Chapter 54

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The following morning Josie was laying in the hospital bed sleeping, the brunette was in a bit of pain from her c-section so Hope was up with the twins.

The twins where laying in the same crib kicking their tiny legs as they looked up at Hope trying to see what she was doing.

"Good morning my beauties" she smiled down at her daughters who were very active for being less than a day old.

The girls took Hope's finger into their hands and held it with a tight drop, this made the wolf smile.

"Did you know your brother is going to be coming today? you're going to love him he's the coolest three year old i've ever met and he already loves you both so so much" she put the pacifier in her daughter's mouth.

As Hope went to sit back down she felt her phone vibrate and looked down to see a text from Lizzie saying they had just pulled into the parking lot, she sent a quick text back telling her their room number before turning to her sleeping wife.

"Jo, it's time to get up" Hope rubbed her wife's shoulder softly as she stared down at the girl who was furrowing her eyebrows in her sleep.

The siphoned just mumbled in response.

Hope placed a few delicate kisses on her wife's neck "Lizzie brought Brooks here, they are about to come up."

"They're here already? what time is it" Josie yawned, opening her eyes and looking around the room for her babies.

"Nine in the morning" she replied.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well, you just had a major surgery and you needed the rest" Hope shrugged.

"Did you feed the twins? change their diapers?"

"All taken care of love" the auburn smiled.

The woman slowly nodded before leaning back in her hospital bed "good okay, make sure to hide the babies we're surprising them with the twins."

"They are chilling in their little bed swaddled up in the corner" she pointed "I don't think that's too noticeable."

"Hello? we're here" they heard followed by the sound of a door opening.

"Oh hey Lizzie, it's not like knocking is a thing" the wolf rolled her eyes.

"Oh shush she's my sister I can walk in whenever I want," the blonde said.

"Mommy!" they heard and saw Brooks run up to Josie attempting to hug her, he couldn't quite reach her since the bed was a little bit taller than he was.

"Here little man" Hope lifted the toddler and set him next to Josie "watch her stomach they had to cut mommy open."

The brunette lifted her shirt showing the scar on her stomach.

"Owy mommy, they hurt you?" Brooks pouted.

"Only to get the baby out but mommy is okay my love" the brunette kissed her son's forehead.

"Speaking of where's my niece or nephew?" Lizzie asked.

Hope looked at Josie, the brunette nodded to her.

The tribrid walked over to the small portable crib their daughters were resting in and slowly rolled it over to Lizzie.

"Aw, she's so cute-" the blonde gasped suddenly "there's two!" she pointed.

"There is" Hope chuckled "two girls."

"You have been hiding this from us!"

"Well, no we didn't even know the second one was in there, she must have hidden or herself using magic or was hiding behind her sister,"

"What are their names?" the blonde asked.

"Ella and Andrea Mikaelson."

"They are so cute" the blonde clapped her hands.

"I hold the baby!" Brooks held out his hands.

"Yes, buddy you are going to hold them" Hope said gently picking up Andrea and bringing her over to Brooks.

"Hold out your arms," Hope said, and Brooks did as he was told. As gently as possible, she laid Andrea in her brother's arms.

Josie put her arm around Brooks and Andrea just so the baby wouldn't fall."

"She pretty momma" the toddler smiled and poked at the baby's face.

"Well, she is related to me" Hope grinned.

"And me!" the boy said.

"Yes and you" Josie kissed her forehead.

"I want to hold Ella" Lizzie announces.

Hope turned back towards them, she walked over to where Ella was resting and gently picked the newborn up before turning to her sister-in-law.

"Support her head," Hope said handing her the baby.

"I know I was literally around Brooks all the time when he was a baby."

"Just saying" the wolf rolled her eyes.

"Oh you're going to be a mini Aunt Lizzie yes you are."

Hope looked at Josie with a scared look which made the brunette break out into laughter.

"Mommy I don't want to leave" Brooks pouted as he looked up at Josie.

"I know my love but mommy has to stay here until tomorrow and I'll be home with you, can you go with Aunt Lizzie?"

"Okay mommy..." he said sadly before hugging her tightly.

"That's my boy" she kissed his cheek.

"Bye momma" the boy hugged Hope's leg.

"Bye, little man" she rubbed his back.

Lizzie then took the boy's hand and they both waved goodbye before walking out of the hospital room, leaving the four of them.

"God I can't believe we have three kids," Josie said as soon as the room was empty.

"I know it's crazy" Hope smiled and looked down at the twins.

"I don't know how we are going to do it" she chuckled.

"We'll figure it out together" Hope smiled at her.

"Yes we will," the brunette said.

"Oh, and I schedule an appointment to get the boys clipped" Hope pouted.

"You know what this means?"

"That you're making me get rid of my swimmers??"

"No, it means we don't have to use condoms anymore just how you like it."

"Ooo suddenly I like this idea very much" Hope grinned and kissed her wife.

Josie kissed back before pulling away "now give me my babies" she smiled and held out her hands.

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