Chapter 4

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Josie slowly sat on her bed not
believing what she had just found out less than five minutes ago.

She was pregnant.

Another life was growing inside her right now, Josie couldn't even wrap her head around that it was just so unbelievable.

Josie never planned to get pregnant in high school she always despised the idea but here she is.

Just then Lizzie walked into the room
with a tray of food from the Salvatore school's cafeteria "they didn't have any good vegetarian options so I just got you a salad and some various fruits."

Josie looked up at Lizzie with tears in her eyes, this immediately concerned her blonde twin who set the tray down and sat next to her twin.

"What happened?" Lizzie said taking Josie's hand into her own.

The brunette just couldn't hold it in anymore she buried her face in her twin's shoulder and started crying.

"Jo..." Lizzie said wrapping her arms around her twin.

"I'm pregnant" she cried out and her twin only held her tighter.

"Shhh, it's okay..." Lizzie said staring blankly at a wall as she tried to get this through her mind.

"iI's okay..." she said in a whisper.

"Can I ask questions?" Lizzie said as she watched her twin eat her salad.

"Depends on the question," Josie said poking at her salad before putting it in her mouth and looking up at her twin who was staring at her.

"Who's the father?" Lizzie asked.

Josie tensed at the question "I shouldn't say you'd be mad."

"It's not MG is it- Jo please don't tell me it's MG."

"What? no, it's not MG I just don't think I should tell you, you'd try and kill them and u don't exactly want them to know right now."

"Josie, I promise you I won't do anything if you tell me okay? twin promise" the blonde said.

They sat there in silence before Josie slowly nodded.

"Uh... it's Hope..." Josie said looking down.

"Hope?" she said confused until it hit her "HOPE? as in Hope Mikaelson??" Lizzie stood up.

"Calm down!" Josie said.

"I'm going to kill her- right after I cut off her dick and feed it to a malivore monster!"

"Lizzie! you promised! I don't want her knowing right now! you can't say anything!"

Lizzie looked at her twin "fine you're right I'm sorry" she sighed.

"It's okay..."

"But you know who you should tell," the blonde said joining her back on the bed.


"What?? no, absolutely not I can't i-"

Lizzie then cut her off "Josie you are going to need him when you make your decision.. whether that's keeping it or getting rid of it you have to tell him."

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