Chapter 15

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"Where is my nephew" Lizzie said storming into the mikaelson compound.

When the blonde walked in she saw
saw everyone in the room huddled around the baby who was laying in one of Nik's old bassinets

Lizzie gasped when she saw the cut along his cheek.

"Who on earth would do this to him," Lizzie asked.

"Oh, I don't know Lizzie who did dad hire for what job again?" Josie said sarcastically.

"I still don't understand why you won't just let me kill your dad the problem would be solved," Hope said walking into the room.

"Because he's still-" Lizzie started but was cut off by Freya.

"Look" she pointed to the baby whose cut was slowly starting to heal.

"Well, that answers my question..."

"What question?" Hope said eyeing their son.

"Well I knew he was a siphoner when he almost siphoned me to death but I was wondering if he'd have your healing blood."

"Well the healing makes me feel slightly better but he still isn't mortal and he's a baby we need to come up with something to keep him safe."

"We should do a locator spell on the person that attacked him," Caroline said as she walked into the room.

"Brooks," Josie said.

"What?" Caroline asks and everyone in the room looks at her confused.

"We named him brooks," she said.

Caroline smiled.

"Would that even be possible to do a spell on him?"

"If we had something of the persons maybe? they didn't strike me as supernatural... I mean they broke in through the window" Freya said crossing her arms.

Hope stayed silent before looking at her Aunt "I pushed the person out the window earlier."

"Yeah? you did I'm not following" the older mikaelson witch said.

"I cut his arm in the process there's a little bit of blood on the window," she said. 

Freya suddenly caught on "okay get the blood and we can do the spell," she said and Hope nodded

After the spell was done Freya walked back into the living room where Josie was sitting on the couch feeding brooks while Rebekah stroked the baby's head.

"Okay we found out where the person is they are about two miles from here in a warehouse," Hope said.

"When are we going?" Josie said looking up at them.

"You aren't going anywhere you are staying," Caroline said.

"What- no I want to help-"

"Your mom's right Jo you should stay I'd feel better if you were with brooks okay? my uncle, aunts, and I can handle this," she said.

"I'll be here with you Jo," Lizzie said bumping her shoulder with the brunettes.

"Fine... but be safe" Josie sighed.

"You calling me reckless?" Hope said.

Josie raised an eyebrow.

"You can be reckless when it comes to your family" Freya commented.

"Yeah okay... but we should get going," Hope said and everyone nodded and started walking out of the compound.

Hope lingered behind.

"Is everything okay?" Josie asked looking up at her.

Hope placed a kiss on Brooks's forehead "be safe okay? put up barrier spells anything you can think of."

"I will" she nodded and with that Hope walked out.

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