Chapter 6

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"We can't tell him-" Josie shook her head.

"I'm assuming you made your decision?" Caroline asked sitting back down next to her daughter.

"I- I'm keeping it..." she said.

Caroline put her hand on Josie's cheek "you might not have your father but you have me, honey..."

"I know" Josie smiled sadly at her mom.

"Okay we are going to have to get you some prenatal vitamins, get you an appointment with the doctor and do a cloaking spell on you and the baby," Caroline said standing up and writing that all down.

"Doesn't he know where you live? what would a locator spell do?"

"I've never told him where I live only that I was in Europe," Caroline said and Josie nodded.

"But I will set up an appointment with my friend who works at a hospital she could probably get you in later today," Caroline said sending a text to her friend.

When she was done texting the blonde looked up at her daughter "are you hungry?"

"Starving" Josie said.

"Come on I'll make you something," she said holding out her hand for Josie who took it.

When they got to the kitchen Josie sat down at the dining table while Caroline went to the fridge and pulled out an assortment of vegetables.

"So are you going to tell Hope?" Caroline asked as she started cutting up pepper and eggplants

"I don't think it would be safe if I did... If I tell Hope I know she would immediately come up here to me... and if Alaric finds out... I just- I can't risk it."

"You're going to have to tell her eventually," Caroline said putting the vegetables on bread with paprika on it.

Josie nodded "and I will... just not now."

"I understand that you need to do what's best for you and the baby," Caroline said setting the veggie sub in front of Josie.

"I just hope she doesn't get angry with me..." Josie sighs before taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Well if she is she has a right to be you are hiding something so big from her."

"I know..." Josie sighed.

Just then Caroline's phone went off and she checked her messages "my friend can see you in two hours so finish eating and we'll head out."

Josie nodded and took another bite of her sandwich.

A couple of hours later Caroline pulled into
the local hospital.

"You nervous?" the blonde asked as she stepped out of the car and grabbed her purse.

"A little" Josie said hugging herself as they walked in.

"Do you have an appointment?" the lady at the desk said.

"Yes I have an appointment for Bonnie Bennett," Caroline said and Josie gave her a weird look.

The lady then typed it into the computer "the doctor put in a note saying you could head on back room twenty-two down that hall" she pointed.

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