Chapter 5

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Time to hate Alaric even more!

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When Josie got off the plane she saw her mom who immediately walked up to her and engulfed her in a tight embrace.

"Hey baby" Caroline whispered as she stroked Josie's back.

"Hi mom," she said burying her face in her mom's neck and breathing her in.

"I'm assuming dad told you everything already," she said pulling away.

"He did," Caroline said tucking a piece of Josie's hair behind her ear.

"Are you mad at me?"

"You're my baby I could never get mad at you," she said smiling slightly.

"Let's just get you home okay? we have some things to go over."

Josie slowly nodded before they headed over to the baggage claim.

Back at the Salvatore school Lizzie already felt lost without her sister by her side, in her seventeen years of life, there was never a day Josie wasn't there and it was scary not seeing her or waking up in the same room as her.

Lizzie let out a sigh before she sat down at her desk and took out her notebook.

Suddenly she felt a presence by her and turned to see Hope sitting next to her.

"Hey," the auburn girl said.

Lizzie mentally rolled her eyes "hey" she said before turning back to the front.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay," the blonde said fidgeting in her seat a bit "why wouldn't I be."

"You've just been off since Jo left."

"Yeah well, it's not often that you and your twin get separated so..."

"Well she's doing it for herself I'm proud of her."

Right. Hope doesn't know the real reason the brunette left.

"Yeah me too," Lizzie said through gritted teeth.

"Well always remember I'm here if you need anything okay?" Hope said and Lizzie just silently nodded.

Just then the teacher came in and began teaching his lesson Lizzie didn't pay attention to her mind still on her sister and everything the brunette was going through.

After about an hour when her class finished, Lizzie decided to pay a visit to her dad's office, when she neared the office she overheard a conversation he was having with someone that made her stop in her tracks.

"If she doesn't get rid of it you take her out no exceptions," Alaric said.

Lizzie's eyebrows furrowed together.

"Yes I sent her with her mother I trust Caroline to listen to me but if she doesn't... you know what to do... I can't have my bloodline tainted by the Mikaelson's."

"No I'm not quite sure where Caroline lives but I'm sure I can get her to tell me the next time I call her," Alaric said.

Alaric hummed "you could watch over the house and make sure she did it, yes."

Lizzie slowly backed away before she broke out in a sprint and ran for her phone that was on her bed immediately calling Josie.

When entered their house Caroline motioned for Josie to join her on the couch.

Hesitantly Josie sat down across from her mother, she could barely look her mom in the eye so she chose to look down at her hands.

"I want you to be able to have a choice honey," Caroline said gently.


"I know your father wants you to get rid of your baby but it's your choice if you want to keep your baby then I'll help you every step of the way no matter what."

Josie finally made eye contact with her mom and immediately started crying.

Caroline brought her into another bug "it's okay baby... shhh."

Just then the phone rang.

"I'm going to answer that," Caroline said pulling away and grabbing the phone "hello?"

She stood there nodding her head to the person on the other end even making a shocked face.

Sometimes Josie wishes she had vamp hearing for situations like this so she could know she was going on.

"Thanks for calling me, honey..." Caroline said slowly hanging up the phone and staring at the wall shock still written all over the blonde woman's face.

"Who was that?" Josie asks when she notices how tense her mom looked.


"What did she say?" Josie tilted her head wondering what her twin could have said to make their mom act like this.

Caroline looked at her and gulped.

Well, that didn't seem good.

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