Chapter 37

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Gip Smut featured if that isn't your thing skip it :)

When Ethan woke up he was tied to a chair in a very dark room the only source of light being the flicking light above his head.

"Finally awake" he looked up to see Hope step out of the corner with her arms crossed.

He just looked up and glared at her.

"Not in the mood for talking? that's okay" the auburn said taking out a glass that had some type of gray liquid in it.

"What is that" Ethan questioned.


Hope grinned "well Ethan I ran some tests on you and found out you're a vampire now, totally unexpected by the way.... but this" she held the glass up "is vervain."


"You're a vampire and don't know what vervain is?" she raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"I'm new to the whole... vampire thing."

"I can tell," she said walking around him, tapping the jar in her hand.

"So either you tell me what you were trying to do with my son or I pour this all over you and torture you until you are dead" she smiled.

"I wasn't going to hurt him..."

"But you where whatever you put on him was changing him, he had black veins and a rash all over his body."

"So there were a few minor side effects..."

Hope opened the jar and poured some of the liquid onto his hand which immediately started burning, Ethan yelled in agony.

"What were you doing Machado! don't make me repeat myself" she yelled over his screams.

"I was trying to get my sister back!" he yelled.

"And how does using my 3-year-old do that??"

"The necklace I put on him was channeling his magic... he's the most powerful being in existence and I needed a lot of power to bring her back..."

"He hasn't even shown signs of having powers?? how would you know" she said grabbing the guy's neck and squeezing it.

"I had a witch perform a spell! that's why he had all those veins... and dark magic in him... I just wanted my sister back... I just..." his voice trailed off as he let his head hang.

"How sweet..." she let her claws out and dug them into his neck causing Ethan to groan out in pain.

"But I don't play when it comes to my family," she said before shoving her hand through his chest.

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