Chapter 40

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Sorry i didn't update yesterday i was watching pretty little liars original sin 🥹

When they entered the school the halls were filled with students laughing and talking amongst their peers.

"Lot people momma!" Brooks said looking around.

Hope smiled and picked up her son "I know and you, my little witch will go here when you're old enough."

"That wasn't set and stone" Josie gave her a look.

"Okay we should go talk to Dana now, I had MG tie her up and put her in the wolf transition cells," Lizzie said walking in behind them.

"That's a little cruel," Josie said.

"It's what had to be done Josette now let's go"

"I go with mommy!" the toddler said.

The brunette shared a look with her fiancé.

"How about we go raid the school's kitchen for ice cream while mommy handles something okay?" the tribrid said.

"Ice ceem!" he said excitedly.

Hope shot Josie a smile before she put their son on her shoulders and made their way down the hall.

The brunette looked toward her sister and nodded before they went down to where they were keeping Dana.

"It has awoken" the blonde rolled her eyes when she saw Dana struggling against the rope.

"What the hell Saltzman let me go!" she said almost making the chair fall over in her attempts to get out.

"Will you calm down you're being very dramatic if you ask me."

"Lizzie!" Josie hissed before turning to Dana "can you tell me what you remember?"

"What?? besides your sister's crazy boyfriend kidnapping me!"

The brunette sighed "tell me what you remember before coming here."

"I remember seeing your sister, Hope, and a couple of other students in the mystic falls high parking lot..."

Lizzie looked at her twin "that was 5 years ago" she whispered.

"I also remember this girl and her dad? I think he was they helped me... it's all a little fuzzy but..."

"Okay thank you, Dana, Lizzie have MG untie her and give her something to eat she's probably hungry," she said.

"It's the least they can do! I've been down here for hours!" she shouted as Josie made her way back upstairs.

As soon as the brunette stepped out of the wolf transition space she held onto the wall as she felt like she was going to throw up.

"Josie," someone said putting her hands on her back "are you okay?"

When she looked up she saw Jade standing there looking at her with a concerned expression.

"Jade hey."

"Are you okay?" she repeated.

"Yeah it's nothing" she shook it off before letting go of the wall and turning towards her "what are you doing here?"

"I'm the school nurse believe it or not" she chuckled "your mom hired me about a month ago."

"Well, that explains the scrubs," she said looking at the scrubs that had the Salvatore logo sewn into them.

"Are you sure you don't want me to check up on you? my office is right down the hall" she pointed.

"No, I'm good I get like this sometimes, plus I should probably get back to my son and fiancé before they eat too much ice cream in the kitchen, they both like to rebel against me" she smiled.

"Son? fiancé? that's new."

"Had my son my senior year and the fiancé thing is new" she chuckled.

"Well let me walk you."

Josie nodded and started making her way towards the kitchen "so what have you been up to?"

"Well, I just got my bachelor's degree in nursing, rented a new apartment close to here, and just adopted the cutest dog ever."

"I'm glad life worked out for you" the brunette smiled as they both entered the kitchen.

When they entered Josie saw Brooks sitting on the counter eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream with Hope right next to him.

"Mommy!" he said over a mouth full of ice cream.

"Hello my love," she said before turning back to Jade "this is my son Brooks and my fiancé Hope."

"Woah you're marrying Hope Mikaelson? who would've thought," the vampire said.

"What's that supposed to mean," Hope said defensively.

Jade's eyes widened "I didn't mean it like that! when Josie was like 9 she used to talk about you all the time and how amazing you were even mentioned wanting to marry you one day" she chuckled.

The tribrid looked towards her future wife and smiled "is that true?"

"What can I say... little Josie liked you very much too..." the brunette said.

"Well I should probably get back to work I'll see you three later," Jade said before making her way out.

When the girl left the kitchen Hope walked behind Josie and wrapped her arms around her, resting her chin on the girl's shoulder.

"Find out anything useful?"

"Well I found out the last memory she remembers when she was alive was seeing you guys in the mystic falls parking lot."

"Right before she died," Hope said.

"Right before she died" Josie repeated.

"And she said a girl and man helped her out which I'm assuming is my dad and Maya" she sighed.

"So Ethan was telling the truth" she sighed.

"And they most likely already found a way out..."

"I feel like our life is cursed" Hope ran her hand through her auburn hair.

Suddenly Josie put a hand over her mouth and ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up.

"Mommy sick?" Brooks asked as he watched Josie throw up in the trashcan that was in the kitchen.

Hope immediately ran to the brunette's side and started rubbing her back "mommy's probably just feeling bad..." she said to her son before looking at her fiancé "are you okay babe?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that! i'm fine" she snapped before grabbing a napkin and wiping her mouth.

"Mommy in bad mood!" the toddler said before shoving ice cream into his mouth.

"Yeah she is..." the auburn said eyeing Josie carefully.

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