Chapter 45

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short one sorry guys 🙁

When the brunette woke up the next morning she felt her stomach already feeling a small bump forming.

"So it begins" she mumbled before looking over, not seeing her son who had laid with her last night.

The girl immediately sat up in a panic but calmed down when she heard Brooks laughing from the other room.

Josie pushed the covers off of herself and walked into the kitchen where she saw her son sitting on the counter watching as Hayley made his breakfast into a silly face for him.

"Is that funny enough?" she smiled.

"Add teef!" he clapped.

The woman took two strawberries and put them under the egg-shaped mouth.

"All perfect," she said picking up the toddler and setting him at the living room table before bringing his food over to him.

When Hayley walked back to the kitchen she noticed Josie standing in the doorway.

"You hungry?"

"Yeah," Josie said taking a seat on the stool while Hayley made her a plate.

"Where's Klaus and the rest of the family?" the brunette asked.

"They went to take care of something," Hayley said handing her a plate.

She nodded in response and took a bite of her breakfast.

Josie felt her phone ring again when she picked it up she saw Hope's contact.

She answered and the girl's face popped up on the screen.

"Hey baby," Hope said.

"Hey" she smiled "is everything okay?"

"Yeah I just miss you guys" she sighed.

"I know" Josie gestured for Hayley to come over to the phone.

Hayley took the phone from Josie and was now looking at her daughter.

"You look so grown up," the woman said as she stared at her daughter for the first time in years.

"Mom" Hope said wetly.

"Hey, baby..." she smiled at her daughter.

"I can't believe you're back."

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself."

Josie gave the woman a small smile before she saw her future daughter-in-law walk toward her son.

"I've met Brooks... he's the sweetest little boy I've ever met... you both did so well with him."

"He's pretty great isn't she," the auburn said tears already starting to fall from her eyes.

"I'm glad I got to meet him."

"Since we first had him all I wanted was for him to meet you and dad, I hated that he would never be able to... just seeing that picture Josie sent of you and him watching cartoons made me so happy."

"I'm glad-"

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard in the background of where Hope was.

She gave her mom a panicked look "I've got to go."

The call immediately ended and Hayley looked towards Josie who was feeding Brooks his breakfast.

"Hope!" the auburn heard Lizzie call out followed by a loud crash.

Hope turned and gave her mom a panicked look "I've got to go" she hung up before running out of the library.

When she walked out into the hall she saw Lizzie being held against a wall by a vampire that had its fangs out.

Hope ran up to them and broke the vampire's neck before it could sink its teeth into the blonde.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah- I'm good" she took a deep breath before looking at the broken door "it got through the barrier."

"How's that possible?"

"I don't know, but lock that ass hole up in the transition cells."

"Dana will finally have a friend that is as annoying as her amazing" Hope said picking up the vampire's body and making her way towards the cells.

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