Chapter 29

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When Josie woke up she felt pressure on her lower abdomen, she looked down to see Hope laying with her head on the girl's stomach with her arms wrapped around her waist.

They had stayed up the whole night talking and she decided to just let the tribrid sleep
in her bed, although they didn't fall asleep in this position Hope must have moved around in her sleep.

"Hope it's time to get up," she said gently rubbing the girl's back, she got a small grunt in response.

"Baby gets up," she said running her hand through the auburn's hair.

The girl's eyes fluttered open at the name, she looked up at the brunette and rested her chin on the girl's stomach "good morning" she murmured.

"School starts in a few hours we should probably get up," she said softly.

"No, I want to stay here."

"Hope we are barely a month into school" she chuckled.

"One day won't hurt."

Josie then tried standing up only to feel Hope grip her tighter effectively keeping her on the bed.

"Fine I'll text my mom and your Aunt but no more missing after this," she said and picked up her phone.


Right as Josie sent the texts to her mom and Hope's Aunt about them staying home for the day they heard Brooks start to cry from his crib that was in the corner of the room.

"I've got him" Hope said crawling out of bed and making her way over to the crib.

When the auburn picked up the baby he immediately smiled and looked over to Josie who was holding her arms out.

"Good morning my love," she said taking the baby from Hope and planting kisses on his face.

"See this is going to be the perfect day just all three of us in your bed watching sesame street," the wolf said climbing back in the bed and laying on the other side of Brooks who was laying in the middle of them.

"What are you going to tell Maya?" Josie said leaning her head on her palm.

"I'll just tell her in sick."

"You're a tribrid... plus she would just come over here."

"I'll just tell her not to I don't want to deal with her today," she said taking out her phone and texting the curly-haired girl.

"I still can't believe you risked your happiness to keep us safe."

"You two are the most important people in my life how could I not?"

Josie hesitated before she slowly leaned in and gave Hope a soft kiss, which was soon interrupted by Brooks who started pushing Hope away from Josie by kicking her.

"I don't think he wants you to kiss me" the brunette giggled.

"Oh is someone jealous," the tribrid said tickling Brooks's side.

Maya waited at the front of the school for Hope, she had been there about an hour now waiting for the girl to show up but there was no sign.

"Where the hell is she," the wolf said looking at her watch.

Maya felt her phone vibrate and when she check she saw a text from Hope saying she was staying home today.

The next five minutes consisted of the girl texting Hope asking why, what happened, and if she needed her to come there.

When she didn't get a reply she decided to just walk back into the school towards her friend group who were at their normal spot in the cafeteria.

The brunette scanned the table noticing Josie was missing.

"Jed where is Josie," she asked sitting in front of him.

"She texted that she wasn't feeling well so she just stayed home for the day" he shrugged.

"Oh, course she is" Maya mumbled before standing back up.

"Where are you going!" Jed called out.

"Out!" she snapped and made her way out of the school.

When Maya arrived at the mikaelson mansion she knocked on the door, when no one came to the door she decided to just let herself in.

"Wow," she said looking around the house.

She made her way down the hallway and check every room for Hope, she was about to give up when she finally opened the last door seeing the auburn sleeping with Josie on a bed.

Maya felt angry at the sight and walked closer to the bed about to wake Hope up when she saw something stirring in the bed.

She slowly lifted the blanket to see the baby who was looking up at her with wide eyes as he sucked on his pacifier and kicked his legs.

"Let's teacher your mom a lesson shall we?" she said picking up Brooks and walking out of the room.

When Josie woke up and felt around the middle of the bed and didn't feel her baby her eyes immediately opened.

"Hope" the brunette shook the tribrid.


"Where's Brooks?"

"In the middle of the bed."

"Hope he's not there where is my baby!"

Hope's eyes flew open and she looked in the middle of the bed "maybe my Aunt or your mom has him."

"They are out of town for the day!"

They both immediately jumped out of the bed and started searching the house coming up empty-handed.

"H-Hope h-he's gone I-"

The tribrid cupped Josie's face in her hands "I will find him okay? even if it kills me I will find him."

Hope held a crying Josie to her chest as she took out her phone and started texting their families.

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