Chapter 52

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Okay i've never been married or have been to a wedding so if any of this is inaccurate then i'm sorry 🫂🙈

Hope had never been this terrified before in her twenty-two years of life. Today she would be marrying the love of her life, Josie. She had been waiting for this day since they first got together.

Right now the auburn was in a hotel room because her future sister-in-law wanted this to be traditional. This meant Hope couldn't see her bride which sucked, the girl thought they could spend some time before the wedding.

"Momma I practice," Brooks said pulling tissues out of the tissue box and throwing them behind him as he walked in a straight line.

"You're going to be the best flower boy ever little witch," Hope said placing a kiss on her son's cheek.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes, momma!"

As Hope was giving Brooks a snack someone knocked on the room door, the girl set the toddler on the bed before opening the door to see Jed.

"I was told by Lizzie to bring you to the hall where the wedding is taking place," the man said.

"You ready?" Hope looked at her son.

"I ready!" he said over a mouth full of bananas and strawberries.

"Let's do this."

Josie was sitting on the couch watching as her sister talked to the catering people on the phone. The blonde looked rather pissed so she assumed something didn't go according to plan.

"No! you listen here, the reception is in less than three hours! I want that cake in that dining hall before then so you understand??"

"Good, it's good doing business with someone so understanding," Lizzie said before gasping and looking at the phone "they hung up, rude."

As Lizzie looked at her sister about to say something her phone rang again "ugh! it's the ice statue people I'll be back in like ten min make sure to have your dress on before I come back" she said exiting the room.

Josie sighed and ran her hand through her hair. As she was about to go look at her dress she felt her phone vibrate, when she looked at the screen she immediately smiled.

'Hey' she read off Hope's text.

'Hi' Josie texted back.

'Is your sister in there? or anyone at all'

The brunette raised an eyebrow at her fiancé's text 'no Lizzie just walked out why?'

Suddenly the room door was opened and Josie saw Hope standing there in her tank top and jeans, god the girl looked beautiful without even trying.

Hope walked in and leaned against the door until it was closed, she immediately locked it.

"I've been wanting to see you all day."

"Me too, but you aren't supposed to be in here! it's like- bad luck?" Josie said swatting Hope's shoulder.

"Do you honestly believe that?"

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