Chapter 11

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Sorta a filler?... but it sets up the plot for the next few chapters :D


When the gunshots stopped both Josie and Lizzie hesitantly raised their heads and looked around.

"Are you okay?" Lizzie asked as she looked at the many holes in the wall.

"I- I think," Josie said.

Caroline vamped into the room and looked at her daughters "I think they ran off are you girls okay?? I smell blood"

"Blood? I don't think that's from us we didn't get hit-" Lizzie's words faded as she looked over at her sister and saw blood seeping through her sister's shoulder.

"Josie your shoulder" Lizzie's eyes widened.

Josie followed her sister's gaze and looked at her shoulder which was in fact bleeding, she didn't even feel it, must have been because of the adrenaline.

"Oh," the brunette said.

Caroline then helped Josie up "let's take care of that," she said walking to the living room with Josie.

When they walked in Lizzie immediately put up a barrier, and protection spell.

Caroline grabbed some tweezers "this might hurt but I need to get it out, baby"

Josie silently nodded and Caroline took the bullet out making Josie groan in response.

Caroline then bit into her wrist and held it out to her daughter.

"Is that safe for the baby?" Josie said eyeing the blood.

"It's just blood and you are only going to bleed more if you don't so don't be stubborn," she said.

Josie brought her mom's wrist to her mouth and took some blood immediately feeling her wound heal.

"Now that, that's over both of you go pack," Caroline said taking out her phone and sending a text to someone.

"Where are we going?" Lizzie asked.

"New Orleans."

Hope rolled her suitcase down the hall as she made her way to the front of the school.

"Leaving already? we still have a day left until spring break starts," Landon said from his spot on the couch.

"Well I pretty much finished all of my school work so I'm leaving for New Orleans early," she said.

"Where are you planning on going for spring break?" Hope asked.

"Just going to stay here" Landon shrugged "don't have anywhere to be."

"Well for what it's worth the Mikaelson residence is always open to you" Hope smiled.

"Thanks, Hope" he smiled back "so what's up with you I feel like we haven't spoken in a while."

"Pretty much the same... oh! but Maya did ask me out."

"Oh shit really?"

Hope nodded "yeah I was surprised too."

"So do you like her?" he questioned.

"That's why we are going on a date so I can see if I do... right now she's just a pretty girl who asked me out."

Before Landon could say anything else Hope got a text from her Aunt that she had arrived.

"I've got to go but I'll see you next week," Hope said before making her way outside.

When she exited the school she saw her Aunt Freya leaning against a car, the auburn immediately ran to the older mikaelson woman and hugged her.

"I missed you little one," Freya said wrapping her arms around her niece.

"I missed you too" Hope mumbled into Freya's shoulder.

"Let's go home" she pulled back and smiled at Hope.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go to New Orleans? what if dad sent someone there" Lizzie asked as she and Caroline watched Josie look out the window of the jet.

"I think it's our safest bet... we have to tell the mikaelson's they can help protect her."

"Josie is going to be mad."

"She'll understand... eventually."

"Mom I just don't-"

"Uh- mom-" they heard Josie say.

Caroline and Lizzie then looked at Lizzie and saw a pool of water at the brunette's feet.

It suddenly dawned on Caroline "fuck."

Imagine if i didn't update for like a week and just left you all on that cliffhanger

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