40. James Imagine for @TheVampsTayla

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Before we start I'd like to say that I stole this photo from someone and I can't remember who. It could have been one Dean took and if so that's alright but if it was someone else I'd like to put it out there that full credit goes to them because it's an amazing photo. Anyway. Continue

"And you promise you'll be watching from right here the whole time?"

"Yes, James, cross my heart" you smiled up at him to be met with his slightly worried eyes which you assumed was just pre-show nerves.

"Okay, just don't move from there, I want to make sure I can see you from the stage" he explained, leaning down to you on the top of the head.

"Ready to go on in 5, boys" Joe shouted from further down the corridor

"Good luck, James. I know you'll be amazing and do everybody proud" you smiled up at him, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck as he kissed you. You both pulled away as you wished him good luck once more to find him looking past you as though he was thinking about something. Whatever it was it seemed as though it was really bothering him, you could only hope that it wouldn't affect him during the show.

Luckily it didn't. Call yourself biased or what but it was almost halfway through the show and it was their best one to date. The fans were buzzing and the screams were almost deafening to you which just made the boys' energy on stage even more electric although you could t help but notice that James kept looking back at you, almost as if he was checking on you which made you panic slightly. What if he thought that you were doing something wrong or something behind his back?

You were snapped out of your thoughts by Brad, Tristan and Connor running towards you while the video of James played before his solo. "How is the show so far? Is it good? Are we doing everybody proud?" They bombarded you with questions to which you smiled and replied with 'of course' and 'well obviously', making them laugh and embrace you in a sweaty hug.

As the video finished the crowd began to cheer again, expecting James to start singing. But instead he began to speak. "Okay guys, so usually this is the part when I sing my song and I'm still going to do that. But. Before I do, I'd like to invite a special someone on stage. Tayla, come up here, babe" he beckoned you over as the crowd once again screamed. "Okay, so I could see that before I came up here that you were worried about why I was so, um, well, like... Distant. And I don't want you to worry so." He took a deep breath before continuing "here goes" he whispered, turning to you. "Tayla, I remember when I first met you. You were drinking coffee in a corner booth of that cafe and I just had to stare for a minute. And when you shot me that smile you left me breathless and you still do now. I love everything about you. I love the way that you kiss me I front of everybody that makes me feel like it's only us two in the whole world I've truly never met anybody like you, that makes me feel like you do and I don't want to try because I love you with all of my heart and I know you're the one. So I guess what I'm trying to say is..." Then it happened. In front of everybody Janes reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, black box and dropped down onto one knee in front of you. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He smiled nervously, looking into your eyes.

"James, yes of course I will! I live you so much. Oh my god, yes" you smiled, wiping a tear that had fallen down your cheek.

Sliding the ring on your finger, James stood up and connected your lips in a kiss which felt so special in that moment that it felt as though the thousands of people watching had, well, disappeared.

"I love you" you whispered.
"I love you too" he replied.

"So if Joe would be so kind as to grab my fiancée a chair, I'd like to dedicate this next song to her" James smiled as the opening to 'Move My Way' played.
A/N- this one is dedicated to @thevampstayla who requested this like ages ago and I've o my just gotten round to writing it so I'm very sorry but I hope you liked it.

QOTD: What would you guys like to know about me?

That's basically a way of saying that I can't think of a question to ask but I don't want to leave it out

AOTD: I personally would like to k ow why the guy I like keeps dropping hints to me that he likes me and so do his friends but never makes a move. Why would he do that?

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