72. Shipping @chennyeeee_lyndaaaa_hastyyyy

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I ship you with Tristan probably more than I ship him with Anastasia and I ship them so hard. (Please nobody say anything mean about Anastasia I actually love her)

The day had finally come and you could not be more excited. It was ridiculously exciting to be able to count down the hours instead of the days and the fact that you had, what you thought to be, good tickets aided in the emotion.

You were in second seat from the end of your row and the seat next to you was empty and you couldn't wait to see who would be sitting next to you, after all it could be a boy who was nice to look at.

Your prayers were answered. Next to you sat a boy who appeared to be around 5'10 and was quite broad. "Hi" he smiled at you.

"Hi" you smiled back.

"I'm Jack, I'll be your concerns buddy for the night so it appears" he chucked, holding his hand out for you to shake.

"I'm y/n, I apologise in advance for how I might react when the band comes on" you smiled, shaking his hand.

"So you're a big fan of the band then?" He asked, leaning in closer to you.

"You could say that. What about you? You don't strike me as a big fan of The Vamps" you asked, nudging his knee with your own.

"I'm not, they're a good band and all but I'm really only here because my brother is one of the support acts. Speaking of which, I could maybe be able to get you a pass to come backstage with us after the show? I mean, if you want to of course." He smiled.

"Are you serious?" You eyed him suspiciously.

"Of course I'm serious" he laughed.

"Well, yes! I'd love to. I feel like I owe you though"

"You don't owe me anything, you seem to really like them and knowing that I could give you the opportunity to meet them, well it would feel wrong if I didn't do something about it" he explained.

"Well, thank you, I really don't know what to say, just thank you I guess" you beamed, throwing your arms around him.

*skip the concert*

"So, are you ready to go backstage?" Jack asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be" you nodded, standing up with him.

Backstage was nothing like you thought it would be like after a show. It was so quiet and there was nobody walking the corridors or going into rooms or anything like that.

You and Jack continued walking until you reached a door at the end of the corridor with a sign on it that read 'The Vamps'.

Jack knocked on the door and your heart began to race. You could hear muffled voices which soon went quiet and then the door opened revealing Tristan.

"Hi man, this is y/n. She was sat next to me during the entire show and I invited her to meet you and the boys" Jack began. "So, now you've been introduced, I'm off to see my brother since I kind of have to. See you all later" he finished before making his way back up the corridor.

"Bye then" Tristan mumbled but breaking into laughter straight after. "So, come on in and meet the rest of the boys y/n. We're still pretty sweaty and loud but it'll be an experience" he explained, taking his arm around your shoulders and leading you into the room.

"Lads, this is y/n, stop shouting and say hi" Tristan shouted over the noise that was mainly coming from Brad and Connor.

"Hi, come and take a seat we've just ordered a pizza so make yourself comfortable." Brad smiled, holding his hand out for you to take allowing him to walk you to the sofa in the middle of the room.

"Back off Brad. If you don't mind" Tristan spoke monotonously, taking your hand instead and walking wth you to sit with him.

You and Tristan sat with each other for the rest of the night, when the pizza arrived he made sure that you had the first and the last slice and when it was time for you all to leave the arena, he walked you back to your hotel, asking for your number before he had to rush back to the bus.

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