34. James McVey Imagine for @mimirobinson1

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Getting out of your dads car you met your friend outside the cinema and made your way inside. You printed your tickets yourself as she had booked them before you arrived then queued to get a drink. Luckily your friends older brother worked at the cinema so he got you to the front ahead of everyone and also gave you a huge discount.

Taking your seat your friend asked if he had charged you more than he should have done. When you told her that he had given you a discount you heard her mutter "for gods sake James, what did mum tell you" but you decided to not press her for information

-----------Skip to the end of the film ------

When the film ended you both left the theatre. Walking out with her she turned to you and much to your delight (note the sarcasm) began to tell you all about her new boyfriend. Yes you were happy for them both. Yes they were perfect for eachother. Yes they were the most adorable couple you had ever seen. But did she have to rub it in so much?

Its not that you were necessarily jealous, it was just that she never even took an interest in your love life. You'd had a boyfriend for 3 years now. Had. Past tense. He split up with yesterday because "he didn't love you anymore" but you had your resources and found out that he was just using you to make another girl jealous.


Once she had finished rambling on about how 'in love' she was both of your parents had shown up to take you home. Saying goodbye you went back home and got ready for college the next day.

Your friend was acting strange all day at school and when you got into her mums car to sleep at hers for the night it all became clear.

"Y/F/N, are you alright? You've been acting strange all day." You asked while her mum tried her best to not say anything."Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me" she attempted to reassure you. Not that it necessarily worked."Y/F/N, have you not told her?" Her mum laughed"No she hasn't told me anything. Told me what?" You asked. At this point you were just desperate to know. "My son likes you. And by likes you I mean LIIIKES you" you explained wiggling her to eyebrows and smiling at you.

"Wow" you said pretending that you weren't bothered at all. Of course you were bothered. Yes you weren't supposed to think it but he was by far the nicest looking guy you had seen in a long time. But he could get any girl, why didn't he? 'She must be joking' you thought to yourself.

You didn't have much time to dwell on the idea of James liking you which was probably a good thing because you could think about him forever. His brownish blonde hair that was always styled into a perfect quiff, his green eyes with hints of blue that you could stare into for years, his award winning smile that could end wars and his perfectly sculpted abs that made you just want to jump on him. You were snapped out of your thoughts when your phone vibrated in your pocket. Deciding to check it later you climbed out of the car and dropped your stuff into your friends room.

You sat on her bed and decided to check the text. It was from him. You're idiot of an ex.'Just a friendly reminder that I never loved you and me and Pixie are happier than we ever have been now that you're out of the picture.' and to make it even worse he sent a photo of the two of them together. They did look as happy as they could be. Happier than you could ever be. You hadn't even realised that you were crying until a tear fell onto the screen of your phone and once they started, you couldn't stop them from freely falling.

Drying your eyes, you made your way downstairs but you bumped into somebody.

It was the one person that you couldn't face right now. James.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked wrapping his arms around you so that you were as close to him as possible. You didn't say anything, you simply showed him your phone with the text.

It was obvious when he had finished reading it because his face fell. He was so angry you had never seen anyone so mad before. He put your phone back I. Your pocket and picked you up over his shoulder. Next thing you knew you were sat on his bed while he sat down next to you.

"Promise me you won't believe anything he said." He started but you said nothing. You couldn't say anything. There was an awkward silence before he spoke again. "It's true you know." He said."What's true?" You asked, looking up at him."What my mum said" he continued."Oh, that" you nodded."I really like you, Mimi. Like really like you." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I like you too, James. Like really like you." You laughed. "But what about y/f/n? It might be awkward for her and I don't want to ruin our friendship." You explained. "But she already knows how I feel about you. She found out this morning" he told you. "And she was acting strange all morning, James. She found out you liked me and she was acting strange. We can't do anything about it, it wouldn't be fair." You said, trying to avoid eye contact. "Mimi, you do know that's not why she was acting strange, it was because found out that idiot ex of yours had split up with you and she felt bad for not being there for you. She doesn't mind that I like you and I'm sure that she won't mind when she finds out that you like me too." He smiled, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "Well she won't have to, because we can't help how we feel, can we?" You smiled before you both leaned in, you lips meeting in a slow and sweet kiss which was rudely interrupted when y/f/n coughed loudly from where she was stood in the doorway to James' bedroom. "I don't mind you two dating but please just don't do THAT in front of me. I beg." She laughed before going back to watching Netflix. "So, where were we?" James asked before kissing you again.


Hi. I'm really sorry I know I said this would be up like two days ago but the wifi hated me. But it's up now and I hope you liked it.


QOTD: Which is your favourite bromance in The Vamps?AOTD: Trames is love. Trames is life.

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