67. Shipping @sen.phoenix

751 21 5

I ship you with Connor and I think you'd be so damn cute.

"What if they don't like me? What if I say something that I didn't mean to and one of them gets offended? Or worse, all of them get offended!" You stressed while brushing your hair, turning to Connor who was laying on the bed.

"They will and they won't" he chuckled.

"Connor, that makes no sense" you grumbled, turning back to face the mirror. You heard him stand from the bed and walk over to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and kissing your cheek.

"They will like you and they won't get offended" he mumbled, resting his head on your shoulder and occasionally kissing from your shoulder, to your neck, jaw and cheek.

You quickly finished getting ready and turned around in Connors embrace, wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. "Shall we go before I change my mind?" You mumbled against his lips. He gave you another quick kiss before agreeing.

You pulled up outside Brad's house since the rest of the boys had decided to spend the weekend there. You took a deep breathe and made your way to the front door. Connor knocked before just letting himself in. "Brad, James, Tristan" he shouted. "We're here if any of you are bothered" he continued. Not long after he had finished his sentence you heard footsteps becoming louder and with that, you were met with two tall figured and one around the same height as you.

"Connor she's beautiful" the tallest one spoke, prompting Connor to pull you closer into him and you to blush and look down at the floor. "I'm Tristan, and it's lovely to meet you" he spoke, holding his hand out to you, you reached out and took it, aiming for a hand shake but he shocked you when he kissed the top of your hand which made Connors grip on your waist tighten.

"I'm James" the second tallest spoke, opening his arms for a hug which you have him when you managed to real ease yourself from Connors grip.

"And I'm Brad and it's amazing to finally meet the girl that Connor is absolutely infatuated with" he grinned, hugging you while Connor blushed.

You made your way back to Connor's side and stood on your tiptoes to kiss his blushing cheek. "I told you they'd love you" he whispered to you as you pulled away.

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