25. He teaches you how to drive

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James McVey:

"Okay, babe so what's the first thing you should do before you even start the car?" James asked you.

"Um, make sure you look good?" You asked

"No, you never need to check that! You always look perfect" he smiled as he leaned over and kissed your cheek.

"Then I really don't know what the first thing I need to check is" you sighed. "I'll never learn how to drive, I'll never get my license and I'm never going to do anything with my life. I'm just one big fuck up" you cried, hitting your hands on the steering wheel.

"Hey, look at me" James spoke softly, resting his hand on your thigh. "So what if you don't know what to do in a car right now. It's only your first attempt at driving. You're definitely not a fuck up and you will learn to drive and you'll be amazing like you're amazing at everything else you do." he spoke sincerely, never breaking eye contact with you.

"What would I do without you?" you smiled at him.

"Cry about not being able to drive." he chuckled.

"How about we go back inside, cuddle, and then we'll try this whole driving thing again tomorrow."

Tristan Evans:

"Catch" Tristan shouted as he threw you the keys to his car.

"Why are you giving me these?" You asked as you threw them back to him.

"Because I'm going to teach you how to drive" he smiled, throwing them back to you.

"Okay then, you do know that I've had lessons before and I'll be taking my driving test in two weeks" you reminded him.

"Well yeah, but the more experience you have, the easier it will be when you come to take the test" he explained.

"Come on then, Evans" you said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards your car.

"Woah, Y/N, slow down!" Tristan shouted, clinging onto the seat he was sitting on.

"RED LIGHT!" You shouted, laughing as you braked suddenly, making Tristan nearly fall off of his seat.

" Y/N, please take this seriously. I would like to live past 19 you know" he laughed nervously so you promised you'd stop trying to scare him and drive normally.

Bradley Simpson:

"Beep at me and I'll beep at you! I have a horn too, just like you!" You shouted as you blew the horn at some random man who was shaking his fist at you, much to Brads amusement.

"Babe, you do know he was only beeping at you because you've had your right indicator on for about half an hour now" he chuckled.

"Well you could have told me. I feel like an idiot now, why can't I just learn to drive quickly, like that's the simplest thing to remember and I messed it up. I'm a danger to everybody" you complained as your self confidence dropped to about minus 1000.

"Babe, don't be so hard on yourself, my mums been driving for years and just the other week she drove for 500 miles with her hazard lights on" he told you, making you laugh.

"Okay, maybe I was over reacting. I'll try not to be so dramatic" you sighed and Brad kissed you cheek.

Connor Ball:

"Shit, what do I do now?" You asked Connor as you stalled the car, yet again.

"Okay so now, you just start the car again and start driving again." He explained calmly as you started the car again and carried on driving.

"Now go left, left again, go to that roundabout, turn off here, go right, right, right again, onto the far lane, now turn off." He instructed you.

"Where have you told me to go?" You asked, looking at him quickly then looking back at the road.

"We're on the motorway, babe" Connor chuckled.

"Now what do we do?" You asked.

"Well first, you change gears, then we do this" he shrugged as he pushed the button to collapse the roof thenturned the radio up.

"To wherever the world takes us" he shouted as you just drove. Although he had to tell you when to change gears occasionally.

A/N- I'm very sorry about Brad and Connors because they are appalling, I sort of ran out of ideas

QOTD- Do you have any brothers or sisters?

AOTD- I have an older sister and that's it, but I really want a baby brother.

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