6. James McVey Imagine

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"God, my hairs getting so long" you heard James mumble as he pulled on the ends of his hair. You sat up properly and turned to face him.

"I could cut it for you if you want" you offered and sat with your legs crossed, watching him intently, waiting for his answer.

"I don't know y/n, I mean you've never cut hair before and if it goes wrong I have to perform on stage looking like an idiot." He chuckled slightly.

"Please James, I promise I'll be careful and you can tell me to stop at any point I promise" you gave him the signature puppy dog look, whenever you did that he was putty in your hands. "Please" you were practically begging now.

"Fine, you get the scissors, chair, towel and a hairbrush and I'll get ready." He sighed.

"Yay, thank you James" you gave him a hug then ran out of the room to get everything you needed. Once you had set up James walked back in. Shirtless. You did not expect that. You tried not to but you couldn't help but let your eyes travel from his face, down to his toned chest and perfectly formed abs, god he was perfect.

You must have been staring for longer than you thought when you heard James chuckling which snapped you out of your daydream. "When you've finished drooling, I believe that you wanted to cut my hair" he laughed taking a seat on the chair positioned in the middle of the room, away from the mirror.

You wrapped a towel around his shoulders and stood so you were in front of him. "I like how you've faced the chair away from the mirror, y/n" he commented while playfully poking your side.

"Well I want it to be a surprise when I've finished" then you set to work. You looked down at James and he looked slightly nervous, 'might as well have some fun' you thought to yourself. You took hold of a section of his hair and cut it. "Shit" you whispered just loud enough so that he could hear.

"What? Y/N, what have you done? Please answer me, I'm actually really scared right now, what's happened?" He looked really panicked and you couldn't help but let out a slight giggle. "Okay, you're laughing so it must look ridiculous" his face was so adorable.

"You should have seen your face James, it was priceless" you said between laughs.

"So you were joking, my hair isn't ruined?" He was still pretty nervous.

"No, your hair isn't ruined at all" you giggled and saw him loosen up a little. You continued to cut the front of his hair then moved to the back, you had to admit, you were doing a pretty good job, once you had nearly finished you stood in front of James again and started to style his hair when you felt him wrap his arms around your waist and pull you onto his lap, peppering soft, gentle kisses all over your face. You giggled and managed to wriggle out of his grip. You pulled him up, out of the chair and over to the mirror.

He pulled the towel off of his shoulders and looked in the mirror. You stood behind him and smiled, you were proud. He turned around with a huge grin on his face. He walked over to you and lifted you up off the floor, holding you tight. "It looks perfect babe, I love you" he spoke into your hair. "I love you too, James" you smiled.

The rest of the day was spent with you and James cuddling on the sofa, you running your hands through his newly cut hair and him telling you how much he loves his hair.


James feels.

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