7. Bradley Simpson Imagine

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You were sitting outside with your friends James, Tristan and Connor when a boy with chocolate brown curls and entrancing brown eyes approached where you were sitting.

"Hey man" he greeted your best friend James. He then did this weird man hug thing with Connor and Tristan. Then, he turned to you. You gave him a shy smile and he grinned at you. Y/N, this is Bradley, Bradley, this is Y/N" James introduced you both, which was lucky as you are both just staring at each other. "Hi I'm Bradley, but you can call me Brad. But only if you want to, I mean most people call me Brad but yo-"

"Shut up rambling on Brad" James laughed.

"I wasn't rambling, I was just telling her" he blushed a very vibrant shade of red while shooting a death glare in James' direction. You had to admit he had one of the most attractive accents you had ever heard in your life.

"Hi Brad, I'm Y/N, its lovely to meet you. How come I've never seen you around before?" you asked him because surely if you'd seen him before you'd have recognized him because come on, he was beautiful. "I'm new here, I've just moved here with my family from Birmingham, we had to move because my dad got a job promotion so we had to live closer to work." you spent the rest of lunch talking with your friends and getting to know Bradley.

When the bell rung for next lesson Bradley's face fell. "What's the matter?" You asked him. "I have music next and i don't know where it is" he explained. "Oh, I have music next too, we can walk together if you want?" you replied, although it was more of a question than an answer. "I'd love that" he smiled back at you.

When you got to the music classroom, you sat in your usual seat which was right at the back because that way, you got first choice of the instruments and the practice rooms. Normally you would sit by yourself as you were the only one in the class that actually took the lesson seriously and everybody else in the class irritated you by messing around. But this time, Brad decided to sit next to you.

As soon as the teacher said that you were allowed to play the instruments you headed straight for the smallest practice room as it had the best piano and guitar. "Y/N" you heard your name being called and you turned around to see Brad stood very closely behind you "do you mind if I maybe join you in here, I would stay in there with everybody else but they don't really seem to know what they're doing, or care either" he chuckled as he turned to see one of your class mates using a tambourine to hit a drum. "Of course you can, do you play?" You asked him.

"We'll, yeah actually" he replied "I play guitar, ukulele, drums, piano and I also like to sing" he explained. "What about you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I play piano, guitar and I also like to sing a little" you smiled.

His face lit up as he had an idea. "Well y/n, I think we'll have to do a duet

in this lesson" he suggested as you smiled.

You headed straight for the piano as he headed to the guitar and began to tune it.

--- Brad's POV ---

'Wow' I thought to myself. 'She just gets even more perfect the more I get to know her'. As soon as I suggested a duet I knew exactly which song we should cover. I headed straight for the guitar and started to tune it, I looked up and she was sat at the piano, she looked so perfect sat there with her hair swept over one shoulder as she lost herself in the song she was playing. She was so talented and I could feel myself falling for her already. Even before I'd met her I knew that this would be the outcome. James had described her to me so many times and from what I'd heard, she was perfect but now that I was sat with her, talking to her, watching her, she was flawless.

Once I'd finished tuning the guitar I turned to her again, "so," I started. "Which song would you like to play?" I asked her. She ran a hand through her hair and bit her lip, thinking. 'God, she's an angel' "I'm not sure" she spoke. "Do you have any ideas." She asked me, looking into my eyes.

"Well I have a few ideas, what about 'Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You by The 1975'?" I suggested, unsure of whether she actually knew the song or not.

I fell in love with her even more as I saw her face light up at the suggestion of the song

--- Your POV ---

"Oh I love that song" you smiled "I've always wanted to play it but it never sounded quite right with me by myself" you explained.

Brad smiled at you as you spun around to face the piano and you both started playing.

I preferred it before

We should ring dad more

Lost our house

Hold me close

I stopped by, just to wash my clothes

I know it's me that's supposed to love you

And when I'm home you know I got you

Is there somebody who can watch you?

I know it's me that's supposed to love you

And when I'm home you know I got you

Is there somebody who can love you?

Is there somebody who can watch you?

Is there somebody who can watch you?

By the end of the song you knew you both had it perfect. Brad stood up from his seat and walked over to you while you finished playing the last notes on the piano. You smiled as you were so happy that you got the song perfect. You spun around on the piano stool to see Brad sat, crossed legged on the floor, you joined him and clapped, "it sounded perfect!" You giggled.

"You sounded perfect" Brad smiled shyly as you blushed. "Thanks, so did you" you replied.

"I know it's me that's supposed to love you

And when I'm home you know I got you

Is there somebody who can love you?" Brad sang softly as he slowly leaned in as kissed you.

The kiss was slow but passionate, you could feel fireworks exploding inside of you and you knew that there was a lot of love in that kiss.

You both pulled away and rested your foreheads on each others. "Y/N, there is somebody who can love you, and that's me" he spoke softly. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Of course I will Brad" you smiled as you both kissed again. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you played with the hair at the back of his head, pulling slightly.

'Perfect song choice' you thought to yourself.


A/N- Two updates in one day, how lucky are you?

That song is like my favourite song in the world and if you haven't heard of it, listen to it, it's amazing.

Anyway, sorry for not updating in ages but I've had exams and stuff and in like 10 or 11 days I'll have finished all of my exams so updates will be more frequent so please be patient.

Also, thank you so much for 1.5k reads, I never imagined that I'd get that many reads so thank you all so much!

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