42. Connor Ball Imagine

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The photo was too funny to not add. Throwback to when Connor had to be helped out of a club🎉😂🎉

"Connor Ball, would you like to come through?" The brown haired assistant called in the waiting room.

Standing up from his seat and taking a deep breath he followed her towards the small staircase which led up to the chairs and all of the orthodontists.

He removed his jacket and placed it in the small plastic chairs before taking a seat in the large leather chair, waiting for the dentist to appear.

You put on your latex gloves, pulling them down further than they needed to in order to prevent anybody from choking, or worse, the glove getting hooked into the braces. Your assistant handed you the patient notes and once you read the name your eyes grew wide. "Connor?" You asked. "As in Connor Ball?" Your assistant nodded.

"As in Connor Ball, bassist in The Vamps. Yes" she replied. "Don't flip out, he's just another patient. Yes he's famous but don't think about that. Just do what you're trained to do and are good at." Normally that little pep talk would have calmed your stress but it wasn't just the fact that he was famous. It was the fact that you and Connor used to date before the band took off and to say it didn't end well would be a huge understatement. He claimed that he had to end it because it wouldn't be fair on either of you what with tours and fans and all the time he would spend in interviews and in the studio writing and recording songs. And yes he had a very good point in that sense but it was the fact that he didn't even stick around long enough to allow you both to at least attempt to maintain a relationship, he just ended it and left. He threw away 5 years of friendship and 4 years of a relationship and when you attempted to make conversation with him through texts or Facebook to just ask how he was or congratulate him on his success. Nothing.

But you had to put that aside because he was just a patient now and you had several others that you had to get through today and you could not afford to run behind schedule.

You took a seat on your stool and spoke, grabbing his attention. "Connor Ball, hi. I'm y/n and I'll be your orthodontist throughout your whole treatment. If you have any questions about the braces or anything don't hesitate to ask me. So today we'll be taking moulds of your teeth and gums for a before are after type of thing and then after that we'll start to fit your braces." He watched you speak the entire time and as much as you wanted to believe that it was because he remembered you and he missed you, you couldn't lie to yourself. The only reason he was watching you was because you were his orthodontist and you were the one speaking.

Before you turned away to begin taking moulds of his mouth you held your gaze on him for a little longer, hoping that something would click within him and he would take you into his arms and everything would be back to the way it was. But nothing. You just had to carry on.

"Now, this stuff doesn't taste or feel very nice when it's in your mouth but it's over in about 30 seconds and then you can rinse." And with that you began the moulds. Still, he didn't remember you.

"Okay, so how do they feel?" You asked him, smiling and hoping that it didn't look as false as it was.

"They feel good actually, I thought it'd be difficult to close my mouth and that I'd only taste metal but it's nothing like that at all" he explained, examining his teeth in the portable mirror you had given him.

"Okay, so here's the strips of wax that we give to everybody when they first get their braces fitted. You don't have to use it if you don't need to. They don't affect the progress of your treatment and they're only for use of the metal of the braces start to irritate or cut the inside of your mouth. That's it from us today and the next time we see you will be to change and tighten the wires to a thicker and tighter one an we will also be changing the colour too if you want." You finished, removing your latex gloves and taking the mirror back from him.

"Okay, thank you so much. See you in six months, right?" He asked, taking his jacket from the chairs and putting it back on.

"That's right, six months" you replied.

"Okay, thank you, um, Natalie. Was it?" He asked, unsure (I couldn't think of a name so I used my own and if that's your name too 1. High five and 2. Quickly think of another for now😂)

"Y/N" you corrected him politely.

"Right, I'm so sorry" he spoke, you hoped so much that that had a deeper meaning and that he was apologising for everything that happened between the two of you. "See you in 6 months" he smiled, making his way to reception.

As he walked away your heart sank. He didn't remember you at all. You were nothing but his orthodontist now and he was nothing but your patient.

Thank you so much to everyone who reads, votes, comments on, adds this book to their library and their reading lists. I never thought that this book would even get 10 reads but here we are.

Anyway I changed my cover. Do you guys like it? I made it myself and everything. Proud.

See you guys in my next update which may be today if I can move after takeout Nandos. (Double update ooh) If not it could be Wednesday.

Also thank you to the lovely girl who suggested this. Unfortunately I can't find your comment or remember your username but if you read this bit then please tell me that it was you!

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