1. James McVey Imagine

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A/N- This is my first imagine so it might not be any good but the more I write the better they'll get (I hope) So if you like this then please comment/vote.🌺
A/N- This is a James McVey imagine, I hope you enjoy it.

"Babe, babe... Babe, wake up"

You woke up to somebody softly shaking you by the shoulder. You slowly opened your eyes and saw James leaning over you smiling widely. "Finally, you're awake!" He whispered as he climbed off of your bed and walked over to the chair in the corner of your bedroom. Why is he even in here? You thought to yourself while sitting up. "I wanted to wake you up so you can get ready for today, our first date." he said, emphasising the word 'first' "Did I just think out loud?" you asked. "Yes, you did, anyway I'll leave you to get dressed so we can leave at 10:00am." He winked at you as he walked through the door.

You smiled and looked at the clock 8:00am. "Good" you whispered to yourself, you had two hours to get ready. You brushed your teeth then jumped in the shower and washed your long, chestnut brown hair that fell to your waist. Wondering what James had planned for today. When you got out of the shower it was 8:15am so you dried your hair properly and lightly curled it, putting half of it into a bobble and leaving the rest down so it wasn't too much hassle to style. After you had your hair perfect you moved onto your makeup, you did your usual, foundation, pressed powder, black eye liner with slight flicks on the end (James always found it fascinating how easy you made it look) and just a little bit of mascara. After five minutes of debating with yourself you decided to go for a pale pink shade of lipstick so it wasn't too over the top. It was cold outside so you pulled on a thick pair of tights, a black skirt and tucked in a black and white jumper with a pair of black, cut out ankle boots. After having one last check in the mirror you made your way downstairs.
You looked at the clock again and saw it was 9:45am and you still hadn't had anything to eat so you made your way to the kitchen. While you were waiting for your toast to cook, you grabbed your phone and logged into twitter, you noticed your mentions were blowing up because James had mentioned you in a tweet, before you could read it your toast popped up making you jump and a hand from behind you took hold of it and put it in the bin, you muttered under your breath then you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and a head on your shoulder. It was James. "Y/N, do you not check your twitter?" He spoke softly, his hot breath tickling your neck, "I said I was taking you out for breakfast" he chuckled, kissing your cheek as you smiled. "Come on then" his hand extended for you to take it, you grabbed your coat and took his hand, following him to his car.

After driving for 10 minutes, James pulled up outside a small café that looked empty. "James, where are we?" you asked "You'll see" was all he replied with. He took hold of your hand and you followed him inside, you looked around to see that inside the café was one table on its own with a white table cloth draped over it. The walls were lined with fairy lights and in the middle of the table was one single candle. You gasped and turned to James who was smiling. "So, what do you think?" he asked. "It's beautiful" you replied smiling widely. James looked down at you and bit his lip, "not as beautiful as you though" he whispered just loud enough for you to hear, you blushed and walked over to the table, sitting down.
After finally eating breakfast you tried to ask James what he had planned for today. "You really don't check your twitter do you, Y/N?" He chuckled. "Well, I was about to but then you distracted me by throwing away my toast" you laughed. "Check now then" he laughed. So again, you logged into twitter to finally read James' tweet.

'@TheVampsJames: Can't wait to take my world @Y/T/N out for the day, first Ice Skating then to the German Market❄'

"Are you serious?" you gasped. "100 percent" James replied. You had always wanted to go ice skating with James but he always refused because he said he was terrible and didn't want to embarrass himself in front of everybody. Little did he know that you were probably as terrible as him, if not, worse.

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