53. {Pregnancy Series} You go into Labour

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I'm in the process of drawing James. It doesn't look that good because I've only just got back in to 'classic art' since my a level teacher told me that I'm "crap at using traditional materials to draw" her actual words but yeah, let's see how James turns out when I've finished drawing him with a chunky sharpie and a fine liner.

After this, there are only three more chapters in the pregnancy series. I had a lot of fun writing these and I hope you enjoyed reading these too.

Brad: "I'm serious, y/n. Your due date is really close and you could go into labour any time soon if you put too much strain on yourself so please let me do everything. Honestly all I want you to do is sit down and relax" you rolled your eyes at him but gave in.

"Thank you. You know I'm not doing it because I'm a dick, right?" He asked while you began to turn to leave the kitchen.

"Well, you are a dick but I know you're only doing it because you care" you laughed.

"Good, at least you know I'm not doing it from a mea- HEY" he finally caught on.

"I love you babe" you called as you walked into the living room.

"Babe, dinner's ready I'll bring it in for you, okay?" He called and you could hear plates banging together.

"Thanks sweetie" he really was the best.

"Voila, and I even brought extra ketchup in. I'll put it on this little table for you" he handed you the plate and took a seat in the sofa next to you with his plate. It was time. It would be difficult but it would be worth it for the ketchup.

You reached out as far as your arm would allow to attempt to grab the bottle but it was no use. You scooted forward and leaned even more to reach the bottle. You just had your finger on it, you just needed to lean a little bit more. Little bit more, more, more, mo- oh no. "Um. Brad." You mumbled with wide eyes.

"Yeah babe. Oh" he stopped when he saw the puddle of liquid on the floor and on the sofa. "It's okay babe, your bladder will be weak since you're so far along." He smiled sympathetically.

"Brad, it's not pee, my waters have broke." The colour visibly drained from his face.

"To the hospital" he shouted, running to grab your overnight bag.

James: The pains in your stomach had gotten progressively worse throughout the day to the point that you had left the studio with James and the rest of the boys with them practically holding you up. They weren't constant pains, they came and went but they were getting more and more intense.

"James I hope there isn't anything wrong with the twins, I'd never forgive myself." You whispered as you felt tears well in your eyes.

"I don't think there will be y/n, don't panic it won't help" he reassured you, rubbing your back soothingly.

"Ow, James, help. Please. It hurts so much. Oh god" you cried as you felt water running down your legs.

"Babe your waters have broke. You've been starting to go into labour all day that's what the pains were. Come on let's get you to hospital. And on your due date too. Im pretty sure that hardly ever happens" he smiled as he led you to the car.

Connor: Three weeks it's been. Three long weeks. That's ridiculously overdue. "Connor it's been three weeks since my due date." You groaned as he rested his hands on your heavy belly.

"I can only imagine how you're feeling right now but I might have something that will help" he smiled, grabbing his laptop.

"If this is some kind of 'hypnotise yourself to go into labour' thing no offence, but I really couldn't care less" you dismissed whatever he was searching for.

"What? No. Just because your pregnancy friends told us that it was amazing doesn't mean I'll act believe them. No. This is an exercise video that apparently help you to get your waters to break I think it's worth a try." He said as he connected his laptop to the TV.

"Okay, what do we need?"

"Just a yoga ball thing. Where did you put yours?" He asked, standing up to go and retrieve it.

"It's in the cupboard next to our bedroom" he dashed out of the room and returned with the ball.

"Connor, this honestly isn't working" you sighed, ready to give up.

"Just stick with it babe, I have faith that it will"

"Ugh. Fine." 10 minutes later nothing had happened. 15 minutes. Nothing. 20 minutes. Nope. Half an hour soon passed. "Connor I've been doing this for nearly 40 minutes and I don't feel any my waters have just broke"

"You don't feel any your waters have just broke. What? OH YOUR WATERS HAVE JUST BROKE. IM NOT PREPARED WHAT" he panicked, rushing around the living room most likely trying to locate his chill.

"Connor, just go into our closet and get the big pink bag and let's go have our baby girl" you instructed as he ran upstairs.

Tristan: With your due date two days away you and Tristan decided that it was probably time to start packing a bag for when you go into the hospital. Tristan refused to let you move, reach even stand so you were sat on your bed giving him instructions to where he needed to go and what he needed to get to put in the bag.

"Babe I honestly can't find the little pink towel. I've got the medium towel, big towel and really big towel but I see no small one. Do you even need it, you've already got three towels of varying sizes, does the small one make that much difference?" He asked with his arms folded.

"Yes, now budge and I'll get it" you started to get up. "Woah. Um, Tris. Either I've just wet myself or you need to find that towel quickly so we can go to the hospital." You said, holding your hand out for Tristan to help you out of the room, down the stairs and into the car.

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