2. Connor Ball Imagine

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You sat in Starbucks alone watching people go about their day to day lives. You had your favourite drink on the table in front of you (strawberries and cream frappuccino, you had this every time you came here which was literally every day). Normally you wouldn't be alone but today you just didn't feel like being with anybody.

You took a sip of your drink and felt tears threatening to escape from your eyes. You attempted to blink them back but that just made it worse, seconds later tears were flooding from your eyes, staining your cheeks. You pulled your legs up to your chest and reseted your forehead onto your knees. The reason why you were in this state was because your boyfriend of three years had started beating you again. You rolled up the sleeve of your leather jacket and stared at the fresh bruises. He had hit you before for about half a year but promised that he had changed and that it would never happen again. You felt like an idiot for believing him.

Kyle was always a horrible boyfriend to you. At first he was perfect, kind, sweet, always complimenting you, but about a year into the relationship he changed. It started with shouting, you could handle that, but then it would escalate. He would always check your phone when you left the room and accuse you of cheating on him, then he would hit you until you were physically shaking and begging him to stop.

As more and more tears fell you sat on the sofa in Starbucks silently sobbing. You remembered everything over the past three years up until now when you finally plucked up the courage to run, when a friendly, soothing voice snapped you out of your thoughts and self-pity.

"Excuse me" The voice spoke. You slowly looked up, wiping the tears from your eyes. Stood in front of you was a boy who looked about your age. His dirty blonde hair was styled perfectly and his icy blue eyes were difficult to not stare at. He wore a plain white T-shirt with a checked shirt over the top, black skinny jeans and a pair of black Dr Martens with a black and white striped backpack. He looked perfect. You were too taken aback by him to reply then he spoke again. "I couldn't help but notice that you look extremely unhappy, if you want, I can sit with you while you get it off your chest, but if you want me to leave then don't say anything and I'll leave you alone." You couldn't even look at him. After about five minutes of silence you heard the chair move as he began to stand up. "Please don't leave" you whimpered as you grabbed onto his arm to pull him back to where you were sat. "So, would you like to tell me why a beautiful girl like you is sat her all by herself?" You looked up at him and he smiled at you sweetly. "I'm Connor by the way" "Y/N" you spoke almost in a whisper.

You told Connor everything and by the end you were in floods of tears again. You looked up at him again and he looked at you with sorry eyes and pulled you into a warm, friendly hug. He slowly pulled up the sleeves of your leather jacket and gently caressed every bruise on your skin. You'd never felt so safe in all of your life. Shortly after, the door of the coffee shop swung open and you heard Connor's name being shouted. You both turned to the door and you saw three boys around your age running in. They came and sat with you and Connor as he introduced them to you as James, Tristan and Bradley.

You spent ages in Starbucks with Connor, James, Bradley and Tristan and it felt like you'd known them your entire life. Again, the door swung open but a lot more violently than before. You turned around to the door and saw Kyle stood in the doorway. He looked furious.

"SO THIS IS WHERE YOU WERE!?" Kyle screamed at you. Some people began to turn around and stare at you. "WE SPLIT UP NOT EVEN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS AGO AND YOU GO STRAIGHT TO ANOTHER MAN, OR MEN SHOULD I SAY!" You were absolutely terrified, this is what he would do before he started hitting you. You could feel yourself shaking as you began to cry yet again. "YOU'RE JUST A SLUT! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD TREAT ME LIKE THIS!" He continued to scream at you, calling you every single hurtful word he could possibly think of. That's when he stormed towards you and pulled you up from your seat by your hair. You screamed in terror and pain as more people crowded around you and he pulled his fist back, ready to punch you. You cowered away and felt a pair of arms pick you up and carry you away from the crowd.

You sat on a chair in the corner of the room and cried. You looked up and saw that is was Tristan who had saved you from being punched yet again. You heard shouting again. Then the sound of a fist making contact with somebody's face and again and again and again. You then heard Connor shout "YOU BEAT HER FOR THREE YEARS, NOW IT'S YOUR TURN TO SEE WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE! SHE'S NOT YOUR PUNCHBAG ANYMORE!" He then threw Kyle to the floor as himself, Bradley and James punched and kicked him. Connor walked away from Kyle and straight over to you. He held you in his arms as you cried. The crowd soon dispersed and a small group of people who worked at Starbucks threw Kyle out onto the street.

Connor picked you up and carried you out of the café and sat you down on a bench over the road. You looked at him and noticed his nose was bleeding. "I'm sorry,it's my fault your nose is bleeding" you apologised. "It's not your fault at all! It's Kyle's fault and he had no right to call you what he did either." He really was perfect. He wiped the blood off of his nose and looked directly into your eyes. "Y/N..."
"Yes Connor"
"Listen, I wanted to ask you this before the boys came, then I was going to ask you while they were here, but then that happened" he chuckled at the memory of what just happened. You just looked at him and smiled slightly at how he stood up for you. "So I'm just going to come out and say it..."

"When I walked into the café and I saw you sat all by yourself I knew that you were special, when you didn't answer me I was gutted but I knew that if I waited it'd be worth it. I'm glad that I did wait because I got to know a strong, brave,kind, funny, beautiful girl. I never thought I'd say this about somebody that I've only just met but I think I've fallen in love with you."

You were shocked, but also relieved as you felt the same way as him.

"Connor, I feel the same way."
"For real?"
"For real" you repeated
He took your hands in his and played with your fingers.
"So, will you be my girlfriend? I know that you've only just got out of a horrible relationship and it might be too soon but I just want you to know that
a. I would never treat you like that, ever
b. I want to be there for you, to protect you and love you
and c. Even if you say no I still want to be there for you as a friend...
So, will you?" He could hear the anticipation and nervousness in his voice.
"Connor, I would love to be your girlfriend"
"Really?" He asked
"You sound shocked," you giggled.
"I am, but I'm so happy too" he admitted.

He cupped your face in his hands and planted a soft, passionate kiss on your lips, you both pulled away smiling. He took your hand and led you back into Starbucks to announce the good news to the others.

a/n- Thankyou for reading, if you enjoyed this please comment/vote

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