My Concert Experience

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Sorry that this isn't an update but I went to Liverpool from Leeds to see the boys. I was sat in block 7 and I was on Row A which meant I was right on the floor, just I front of the floor seats which was amazing and I had such a good view.

So I got to the venue and queued outside the merch van and bought a T-shirt and a glow stick then I waited to go in. We got to our sears and waited for everything to start. Because we were practically in floor seats you could see the bit at the side of the stage which was sectioned off by one of those metal barriers and I saw someone with floppy blonde hair appear and he was throwing a rubber ball against the barrier and catching it again and I was like "omg it's Dean. I swear its Dean. No it is, it's Dean. I'm going over." So I stood up walked over. Yes it was Dean. But just as I was about to get his attention the security man came over and was all like "Miss you can't be here." So I was like "what? All I want to do is talk to him, he's literally right there. Like can you please not let me just talk to him" and he was like "No I'm sorry I can't let you just talk to him I'm sure he's very busy" and he 'escorted' (more like pulled) me back to my seat and I turned around and Dean practically shouted "sorry" which really made up for it. I love Dean.

So then E of E came on and they were actually really good. Luke Friend was amazing and he was like "oh you've all got little glow worm things, what are they called? GLOW STICKS, OH YEAH" like he's so cute. And Nina Nesbit was really good too.

Then the boys came on and I put on my James mask and James looked straight at me and laughed to himself (which is what I was going for) so that made me so happy and I cried a lot during his guitar solo in She Was The One. And when he sang Move My Way himself guess what. Yah I cried.

During the whole show Joe (as in Joe O'Neil😍) kept walking past me and at one point stopped right at the side of me for like 5 minutes so I took loads of photos of him and tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around and said hello (well shouted because of the screaming) Could not believe it.

Then towards the end the best thing ever happened. Besides James looking directly at me several times BRADS MUM, DAD AND SISTER WALKED PAST ME so I shouted Natalie because she was like 20cm I front of me and she turned around and smiled and waved and THAT was why Saturday night at Liverpool Echo Arena was the best night of my life.

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