8. James McVey Imagine

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"UGH" You groaned as you threw yet another gossip magazine onto the growing pile in the corner of your room, still not seeing what you hoped you would, or who you were hoping you would see. Once frustration had subsided it turned into sadness. You pulled your knees up to your chest and cried yet again just like you did ever since he left you and took everything with him.

How were you supposed to remember him? All you had now were memories, but memories fade, right? What memories did you have to show your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, when your old and suffering from dementia? That was the only reason why you took so many pictures of the two of you, because you didn't want to forget everything the two of you had. How could he just pack up and leave? But more importantly, how could he take all of those pictures you had? Was he so stupid to not realise that they were your history? The story of the both of you? He took the things that would stop you from missing him so much.

Your favourite photo had gone, it was a polaroid photo you had taken before the first time you both 'went all the way' there was confetti scattered over the plain, white mattress. When you turned around you saw the burnt remains in the fireplace. That hurt, but what hurt more was the fact that he'd done all of this, ruined everything, with no explanation and not even a goodbye.

You had nothing, no videos of you both, he had them, no Polaroid photos, he'd burned them all. Nothing but a heart broken in half, you couldn't smile, not even a fake one. You were devastated.

Yet despite how horrible he had been, you still missed him more and more after every second that passed. As you sat back on the sofa in your now empty house you heard a knock on the door. You pulled yourself up off of the sofa and trudged towards the door, you slowly opened it expecting it to be your mum coming to check on you like she did everyday for the past six weeks since James had left you. Your jaw fell open when you saw the last person you expected stood on the door step.

"Come to take anything else?" You asked sarcastically. "Well you've had a wasted journey, because there's nothing left, you've taken everything and burned the rest" you continued as you closed the door in his face but he put his foot in the door frame so it wouldn't close.

"Y/N, I'm not here to hurt you in any way" he spoke softly as he walked into your house and sat next to you on the sofa. You moved slightly away from him but he kept moving towards you. In the end you gave up trying to distance yourself from him and looked at him. It was then that you saw his eyes were red and puffy, he looked exhausted and just as heartbroken as you.

He cautiously took your hands in his own and rubbed soft circles on the back of your hand with the pads of his thumbs.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry," he started.
"Actually I'm more than sorry, there isn't even a word in the English language to express how I feel right now, I never wanted to end our relationship, ever. And I also want you to know that management threatened to end my career if I didn't end us, and I know that it's not an excuse. I should have fought for us and not been so weak, I should have told them how much we love each other and how I'd rather die a thousand deaths than not have you and not be able to call you mine. I'm a horrible person for burning all of those photos but I guess I did it because I was angry at myself, I burnt the photos that I couldn't bare to be able to see again because it would have reminded me of how stupid I was and what I let slip from my fingers. The only reason I took the rest of the photos that I didn't burn was because I love you, the sounds ridiculous, like why would I hurt you if I love you? But I took them because I wanted to remember you and feel like I still had you in my arms. I left you with nothing so that I had something to remember you when I was old, so that I could show our memories to my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren so that I didn't forget all about you" by the time he had finished you both had tears streaming down your faces.

"James, I want to forgive you, I don't think that you have any idea how much I've missed you over these past six weeks. It's been hell." You sobbed.

"I've missed you so much too y/n, I've cried myself to sleep every night. At every rehearsal or recording we've had to stop playing because I couldn't focus, I can't function without you, y/n please take me back" he pleaded, wiping the tears from your face.

"Please" he whispered.

"James, how do I know that you won't pull something like this again? I thought I'd lost all of my memories of the two of us" you spoke softly.

"Because I love you, more than you'll ever know. I told you, the reason why I took all of the photos with me when I left was because I couldn't bare to not see how happy and in love we both were, well, are. For me anyway, I'm still deeply and madly in love with you y/n and I always will be. And I promise if you can find it in your heart to take me back I will remake every single photo that I destroyed just to make you happy because I love you so much" he pleaded.

"James, I love you too and I never stopped" you looked towards him and saw his face light up slightly.

"So can we maybe start over again?" He asked softly, taking hold of your hands again.

"There's no need to ask James, of course the answer is yes" you both smiled as he held your waist and leaned in for a long awaited 'I'm sorry' kiss.

As you both pulled away James stood up and looked at you. "What are you doing?" You asked him.

"Putting all of the photos back where they belong" he smiled.


A/N- This is inspired by the song Pictures by Conor Maynard, so that's why photographs are the main theme.

I hope you liked it.

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