10. Connor Ball Imagine

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"Connor, be quiet, we cant let the others hear us" you whispered as Connor pulled you into his dressing room before he had to go on stage with the rest of the boys.

"I know but I had to see you before I had to perform, otherwise I might fall off the stage like before" he chuckled as he relived the time when he and the band supported Taylor Swift at the O2 in London and he fell off the end of the stage during Can We Dance. You giggled slightly before continuing the conversation.

"What did you want to see me about anyway?" you asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek as you snaked your hands around the back of his neck.

"Well I've been thinking... About us, and... Well... Well I think..." he stopped, looking down avoiding your gaze.

"Connor, its alright. You can tell me anything." you reassured him, taking hold of his face, making him look in your eyes.

He took a deep breath and continued "okay, well I know that we weren't supposed to let the others know about us because we didn't want lots of attention and I didn't want the fans to know so that they wouldn't send you death threats or anything like that." he said all at once, tightening his hold around your waist.

This made you slightly nervous. What if word had got out about you and Connor being together? What if all of the boys knew? What if everybody knew and hated you for being with Connor. "Connor? What's happened? Do they know? Oh god they know don't they? They hate me, don't they?" you struggled out of his grip and began to pace the room.

"y/n, calm down, nobody knows about us. Well at least I don't think they do, I haven't said anything." he reassured you, walking back over to you and returning to your previous position of him holding you in his arms.

"Then what about us?" you asked him, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Well I was thinking that maybe it was time for us to tell everyone about us." he suggested.

"Connor, I don't know, I mean I care you so much, please don't get me wrong but, tell everyone? Like the boys AND the fans?" you stressed, holding tighter on his arms which was something you always did when you were nervous about something.

"No, y/n" Connor chuckled slightly. "I'm not even ready to tell the fans yet, you and I both know what they can get like. I meant just tell the boys. And Joe and Dean" he explained as you loosened your grip on his arms as you relaxed a little. "I mean I've seen how the boys look at you, especially Brad. I just want them to know your mine, not theirs and that I'm yours. I want them to know how much I love you, because I do, I really do. You make me the happiest I've ever been in a long time, your the reason why i have the confidence and motivation to go on stage every night and hell I'll shout it in the middle of the streets how much I love you and I want my three best friends to know that most of all." he explained.

"Connor, I love you too. So much. More than I can even put into words. So lets tell the boys. I want them to know how much we love each other" you smiled.

Connor pulled you closer into him as you both connected your lips in a sweet, tender and loving kiss. Just as the kiss began to deepen the door to the dressing room flew open revealing three shouting boys.

"Well" Brad simply spoke.

"We were coming to ask if you wanted something to eat before the show, but its clear that you've already eaten" James laughed.

"Yeah each others faces" Tristan shouted.

"They got that, man" James said, patting Tristan on the shoulder.

"So are you two like together or was this a one time kiss thing?" Brad asked, looking slightly hurt.

"Actually, we were just about to come and tell you," Connor began, draping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer into him. "We're together, we have been for 2 months. We were going to tell you sooner but I suppose that we were just nervous." he explained to them.

Connors speech was followed by a chorus of cheers and screams. "My baby Connors growing up." James shouted, fanning his eyes dramatically before pulling everyone into a group hug.

"I love you, y/n" Connor smiled connecting your lips once again in a sweet kiss, lifting you up from the ground.

"OH!" Tristan shouted making the boys look at the both of you. "Stop swallowing eachother, y/n we do need Connor for the show in 20 minutes" he joked.

You and Connor both gave him the middle finger, never breaking the kiss, making Brad and James shout, cheer and laugh at Tristans expense.

"She's a keeper, Con" you heard Brad shout above the noise. It felt good to know that your boyfriends best friends accepted your relationship.

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