54. {Pregnancy Series} Giving Birth

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My dirtypig sweater came yayayayay🎉
And my Janoskians Jahoo Jahaa date is in 11 days. I'm too excited.
Also because you were all so nice about my face before I posted another selfie. You brought it on yourselves😂
Anyway here we go.

Brad: "wow this hurts. This really hurts. I don't know if I can do this I might need a cesarean or an epidural OR BOTH" you shouted the last part as a strong contraction hit and you cling on to Brad like your life depended on it.

"Okay, breathe and grab my hand. Try not to think about it just grab my hand" he soothed while running your back gently until the contraction passed. "See I told you you could do it" he kissed you on the forehead while you sat back.

"I just want this to be done with" you sighed.

"I know you do babe but we just have to wait until our little girl's ready.
-10 hours later-

"Well then y/n, it looks like baby's ready to see you both" the midwife smiled as she helped you move further down the bed to begin pushing. "Ready?" She smiled while Brad took hold of your hand and you nodded. "Okay, take a big breathe put your chin on your chest and I need a big push from you" following her instructions you pushed until you were practically red in the face.

"You're doing so well babe. I'm so proud of you" Brad praised with a shaky voice and you were convinced he was crying a little. Or a lot.

"He's right sweetie you're doing really well. Just a few more big pushes and she'll be here. Now whenever your ready we can start pushing again." After a few more minutes of trying to regain your breath you started to push again. "That's good, keep going you're doing so well. Don't stop. Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. Well done. Okay we can stop now." Brad wiped the sweat starting to form on your forehead and you leaned back again.

"Okay, I can see the top of baby's head so we need little pushes now." The pain became more intense as you gave little pushes. "Two more little pushes and baby's head will be out" you gave another little push and the pain was almost unbearable, you squeezed Brads hand so much he had to swap hands and you pushed again.

"Baby's heads here" the midwife grinned. "Would you like to feel it just reach down" you reached down and could feel the hair on your little girls head while Brad leaned to the side to see, wiping his eyes when he saw her little head.

"Okay, a few more big pushes and you'll have your little girl." The midwife smiled while you began to push once more and eventually the cries of your baby filled the room.

"You did it, angel. She's here and she's so beautiful" Brad cried from the side of you.

"She sure is, say hello to mummy and daddy baby Simpson" the midwife spoke as she handed you your little girl wrapped up in a thick pink blanket.

James: "I know this is going to be worth it in the end but I don't think you understand how much I don't want to do this" you groaned at James while you sucked on the gas and air.

"I know babe but once you get in that pool thing it'll feel much better" he soothed, stroking your hair and holding your hand.

-8 hours later-

"Can I get in the water now?" You practically begged the midwife.

"Of course you can darling, once you're in and sorted I'll turn the lights down so it's nice and calm for you four" she explained while assist in James in walking you towards the water.

As soon as the warm water hit your body it was as though the pain had halved and when the lights were dimmed it felt like you were on a cloud or high. Probably both considering how much gas and air you had.

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