30. James McVey Imagine

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"Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Seen it. You can't act. Nope." It was another lonely Friday night for you since James had cancelled his plans with you three days ago to go on a date with his oh so precious celebrity, down to earth, amazing actress of a girlfriend. You had originally planned to sit on the sofa cuddling with your best friend while watching repeats of television programmes that you had both seen countless amounts of times. To some people it might seem incredibly boring and pointless but it was tradition. Tradition that had just been broken after 3 years.

You shouldn't be mad though, he did feel really guilty about cancelling plans with you and he promised to spend all of Saturday with you doing whatever you want. So here you were, sat alone trying not to be bitter about the situation but you couldn't help but feel some kind of resentment towards the couple so you went back to searching through boring shows, hoping that at least one would stand out from the rest.

"Nope. Bored of it. First season was better. No way on Earth. No. No. No. No-Game of Thrones? Let me think-No." There was no chance that you would sit and watch the TV show that James' girlfriend was in, the girlfriend that he was spending time with right now, the girlfriend that was taking away your time with your best friend.

It wasn't that you didn't like Sophie, she was lovely. She was always so friendly towards you, included you in days out and conversations, never got jealous if you were with James or surprised him on tour and she seemed to really like James and you knew that he really liked her. It was just that, lately, you never had any time alone with James. If you made plans to go shopping with him, guess who would be there. If you went to a concert together, guess who. If he came over to your house, oh you could bet that she would show up. At first you didn't really think anything of it but slowly, you started to notice that you could never be left alone with him. Okay, so at least you could still spend time with him even if it want just the two of you but now. Now he's cancelling plans with you to be with her.

Frankly you were feeling abandoned, unwanted and basically like you'd lost your best friend. You wished more than anything that he was here. Alone. Without Sophie for once. You missed the way that it used to be before he even started talking to her in he first place, you even believed that maybe one day you'd become more than friends and have the stereotypical happily ever after relationship but this is real life and sadly you were sat in your own self pity wishing that James would walk through your front door, sweep you off of your feet and run away into the sunset with you. Instead that's probably what was happening with James and Sophie right now.

Soon enough you gave up on trying to find something to watch and even though it was only 10:45pm you decided to get ready for bed. It wasn't like anybody was going to come to your house anyway. You took off all of your make up and brushed your teeth. You then brushed through your hair and tied it into a high ponytail so that it wouldn't look like a birds nest in the morning. You changed out of your jean shorts and band shirt and tried to find your pyjamas, with no luck. Yet again you gave up. Luckily you managed to find one of James' T-shirts that he had left at your house for when you missed him when he was on tour. Putting on his T-shirt, you crawled into bed where you would no doubt lay awake for hours wishing that it was you in James' arms instead of Sophie.

After hours of trying and failing to get at least some sleep you slipped out of bed and went downstairs to get yourself a glass of milk. You walked into the kitchen and let out a slight scream. Stood in front of your kitchen sink with his back to you and in nothing but his gym shorts was James. Walking over to your fridge and pulling out a carton of milk you spoke "You know you terrified me right?" No answer. "James?" You tried again. Still no answer. "James, I said you scared me." Nothing. "James you're still scaring me, please answer me." He still didn't answer you, he didn't even turn towards you. You walked to him and wrapped out arms around him, hugging his bare torso from behind. "James, there's something wrong isn't there, please answer me you're really scaring me." You whispered. He turned around and hugged you tight.

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