55. {Pregnancy Series} He holds the Baby for the first time

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Can you tell what I'm attempting to draw here or no. Please comment because I want it to look good and I don't know if you can even tell what it is (I've only drawn half so far)

Brad: "Congratulations y/n and of course Brad, she's beautiful" the midwife smiled as she made her way over to you with your baby wrapped in a pink fluffy blanket. She handed her to you and left so you and Brad could bond with her alone.

"Brad she's adorable. Look at her little nose and her big brown eyes. Oh look at her little pouty lips. I'm so in love" you smiled while your baby reached up to grab your hair.

"Brad, what should we call her?" You asked quietly as she began to fall asleep.

"I don't know, I think we thought of everything possible except for a name" he laughed.

"Brad, would you like to hold her?" And his eyes lit up.

"Oh my god, yes" he beamed and you handed her over to him while he climbed into your bed next to you.

"I know what we should call her" he announced as soon as he held her into his chest. You smiled at him silently telling him to continue. "Alexa" he whispered and as soon as the name was out there her eyes fluttered open and met Brad's, tears of happiness instantly appearing in his and your eyes.

"It looks as though she likes it" you laughed, wiping your eyes. "Alexa it is."

James: As soon as your twins were born and cleaned up you had held them both close to you, not letting anybody else hold them, not even James.

But now the exhaustion from having two babies was taking its toll on you and you were fighting to stay awake.

"Babe, you can go to sleep if you want. The boys are coming to see us all in about 5 minutes so I won't be bored and I'll make sure the twins are fine" he smiled, stroking your hair.

"Thank you James. I'm so tired I feel like I have sand in my eyes" you sighed James took the twins from you and placed them in their little cribs provided by the hospital and in an instant you had fallen asleep.

While James was waiting for the boys he decided that he should have some bonding time with the twins.

He pulled their beds next to the chair he had occupied. Picking the twins up from the bed he held one in each arm close to him. Before he knew what had hit him he had tears streaming down his face.

He was so in love with these two babies and when they both reached up to pull on his shirt, he decided that nobody could love them as much as he did, not even their future husband and wife.

"I love you Ebony, so much" he kissed her tiny forehead.

"And I love you Ethan, my little man" and kissed his forehead too.

Connor: "We did it Connor, she's finally here" you sighed. You were expecting a reply from Connor but you got nothing. Looking to your left you saw why you were being ignored by him.

He had your little girl in his arms and was almost in a trance. He held his finger close to her and watched in amazement as she wrapped her tiny hand around it.

"Babe I think we should call her Elsie" he whispered.

"That's an adorable name Connor. Good choice" you smiled and closed your eyes to take a nap.

You fell asleep listening to Connor quietly talking to Elsie telling her all about the boys and his job and what her nursery looked like.

Tristan: "Where's my little man?" He asked as he walked into the hospital room, a takeaway Nando's in his hand.

"Oh lifesaver" you sighed, reaching out your free arm to take the bag from him.

"Y/N, can I hold him?" He asked quietly, almost as though he was unsure as to whether or not he was allowed to hold him.

"Tristan, he's your son you don't have to ask" you laughed and he walked over to your right side to take him from you.

"Hey little man, I'm your daddy and I love you so much. Just wait until we get home, I'll teach you how to play the drums and you can play piano, guitar, bass anything you want. And your uncles can teach you how to play any instrument you want. And I'll teach you how to ride a bike and uncle Bradley can teach you how to skateboard. I love you so much" he smiled at the newborn.

"Tristan this chicken is so good, which Nando's did you go to?" You practically moaned.

"The one at the end of the street" he replied quickly. "Babe" he said almost instantly after.

"What's the matter?" You panicked.

"Oh nothing, I just had an idea for a name." You sighed in relief.

"It's not something like Edgar is it?" You groaned.

"No, I was thinking Bradley" he spoke quietly, looking up at you.

"Is it because you're Tradley af?" You laughed.

"Well yes, and because he's my best friend in the band and my best friend in general and he's helped as both a lot during the pregnancy and so I thought it would be a nice way to say thank you for everything he's done. But if you don't want to then I completely understand its up to you as well and we can always think of ano-"

"Tristan." You interrupted his rambling. "I love the name and the idea." You smiled.

"Hello Bradley" you cooed as the baby's face lit up.

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