9. Tristan Evans Imagine

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You got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around you and made your way across the hallway to yours and Tristan's shared bedroom. You towel dried your hair and body and changed into a pair of shorts and one of Tristan's t-shirts.

You made your way down the stairs and into the sitting room of your empty flat. You missed him, of course you missed him and you knew that he missed you too. He had been touring for three and a half months now and it was torture. Obviously you text, call and Skype each other everyday for hours but it just wasn't the same. Seeing photos of him and the band on social networking sites made you miss him even more and as your phone lit up once more with a twitter notification about how another fan had just met Tristan it was just too much.

You turned off your phone and walked into the kitchen, past all of the photographs of you and Tristan remembering when each one was taken and how in love you are with each other no matter how far apart you are.

You made yourself a coffee to try and forget your feelings but as the kettle began to boil you fell into a trance. Your mind was clouded with thoughts of Tristan. Where was he? What was he doing? Was he thinking about you? When was he going to call?

You sighed heavily as you reluctantly returned to reality. Pouring the water into the mug, you absentmindedly stirred the drink and returned to the sitting room, sighing yet again as you pushed the door open.

The sight that met your eyes next took you completely by surprise. Your mug fell from your hands and collided with the floor with a loud smash. Your eyes grew wide and your hands flew to your mouth as tears flowed freely down your face.

"Hello my beaut, surprised to see me, babe?" he spoke, standing up from the sofa.
"Tristan?" you asked, positive that your eyes were deceiving you.

"The one and only" he smirked, walking towards you.

You stayed frozen on the spot, not daring to move as you were scared that your legs would fail you. He walked towards you, stepping over the pool of coffee in the middle of the floor, and wrapped his muscular arms around your waist. Then it hit you, the man that had been gone for months, the man that you had cried yourself to sleep thinking about, the man that you had missed so dearly was back.

Tristan leaned down and gently whispered "I've missed you so much, princess. You have no idea how many nights I've cried myself to sleep thinking about you, I love you so much."
"I love you too Tristan" you only just managed to say, if you said anything else your voice would have failed you.

Tristan leaned in, his warm, minty breath fanning your face as he closed the gap between the two of you. Your lips met in a soft, passionate kiss. Tristan's arms wrapped around your waist even tighter as you ran your hands through is soft, blonde hair resting your hands on the back of his neck playing with the hair on the back of his neck. Tristan lifted you up by your waist and you wrapped your legs around his waist as the kiss got even more passionate.

You both pulled away from each other, smiling widely as you buried your head into the crook of his neck. Placing you back on the ground he smiled again as he kissed your forehead. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to kiss you like that, its been hell" he chuckled.
"I missed you so much" you whispered.

"Next time, you're coming with me" he spoke as he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his car and took you out for ice cream, then returning to the house for a long awaited movie night cuddled together in front of the fire place.


A/N- Wow I wish this was real

Thank you for reading

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