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I know that you probably find this so annoying and I'm sorry that this isn't an update but I'm writing one as we speak.

I just think that I don't really make an effort to interact with anybody that actually reads these imagines, which I hope you enjoy by the way.

So what I'm going to do is tell you my Instagram and twitter usernames so that you can follow me on there and hopefully get to know a little more about me.

I might start doing a QOTD at the end of every imagine so that I can get to know you all.

Also, if you want, ask me questions about myself below and I'll answer them in another update. You can ask me anything at all no matter how strange it might sound and I will answer them all.


I am taking requests so if you would like an imagine either comment below on private message me.

All I need to know is

Your Name:

Your Age:

Name of band member you would like and imagine with:

Any extra characters:

Your General appearance:

The Storyline:

Any extra detail you feel is necessary:

The more detail you give me, the more I'll be able to write.

Thank you so much for 3.5k reads I really hope you like what I write.

As promised, here are my usernames:

Twitter: @gooddaymcvey

Instagram: @gooddaymcvey

And if you want my personal Instagram: @natalie_sterland

Once again, sorry if you thought that this was an update but there should be a James imagine up in the next couple of hours.

The Vamps ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant