44. James Imagine

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It's the hair again, it's haunting everyone👻
I woke up ridiculously early since someone *cough* y/s/n *cough* decided it would be a brilliant idea to dry her hair in the same room that I was trying to sleep in.

I laid in bed for as long as I possibly could without being too late, I guess I would just have to tie my hair up instead of leaving it down, it was too warm for that anyway.

Doing my makeup as best as I could in my comatose state I decided to simply channel Miley and have my hair in two buns at both sides of my head, but classier, of course.

By the time I was finished I was ready early for a change so I made my way downstairs to join my mum. Only to be stopped at the doorway of my room by an eight legged demon. "Mum" I screamed to receive no response. I had no option but to face my fear and kill it. Grabbing some heat defence spray with a flat edge I took a cautious step towards it only to have it move and begin to climb up the bottom inch of my wall then make its way back down and underneath the carpet. Nice.

"Did you shout me?" I heard from downstairs. So now she hears me.

"Well yes actually, there's a giant spider but now it's crawled under my carpet so it's too late now" I shouted back and pretty soon she appeared at the doorway, stamping her foot around the carpet to kill the spider under the floorboards. 10/10 for effort.

Anyway I quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs in case she had angered the demon. Since it was so warm outside I decided I'd set off an hour before college starts so I wasn't all sweaty and ew.

Unfortunately I arrived earlier that early and was stuck behind a cult of small children.

'I'm here so early, ew, shoot me. Yes if you could all walk slower that'd be just great. No, don't look back at me, look forward and you might be able to walk faster. I know you're like 5 years of age but I know you can walk. Ew. I hate this. This corridor smells. It's too warm. Why is the heating on? Why did I get out of bed this morning. I wonder if I hit my head hard enough, I might transport to som-' 'Y/N' I heard a familiar voice call.

"Woah, what?" I called back, turning around to be met by the only male in this school to pull of the man bun.

"Did you seriously think you could walk to registration without me? I'm hurt"

"In my defence, I am early so I just assumed you wouldn't be here yet" you smiled sweetly in an attempt to get him to overlook this massive betrayal.

"Aw, you know I can't stay mad at that adorable little face" he smiled, pinching my cheeks and picking me up, carrying me to registration. "Cute hair by the way" he added as he avoided all of the little kids that swarmed the halls.

Finally we reached our registration room and I was allowed to walk for myself but only to get to my seat. Those whole three steps were a challenge. Sitting down I was faced with two pairs of eyes, both fixed on me. I looked up to see that one of those pairs of eyes belonged to Nyal (no, not Horan, it's not even spelt the same) and the other belonged to the one and only James McVey.

It would be a massive understatement to say that I liked James. Hell, it would be a massive understatement to say I loved James. I was completely and utterly infatuated with James. But then again, who wasn't. He was perfect, with his kind, green eyes and his height and his arms and his abs and his voice and his face in general and his laugh and his smile and his skin colour and his dress sense and his personality. Even his flaws were perfect.

"You look very cute today, Y/N" Nyal complimented me. My relationship with Nyal was strange and it confused pretty much everyone especially a certain teacher, he is convinced that there is something going on between the two of us. Probably because he was always playing with my hair in his lessons and I was always sat on his lap, he always had one arm around either my waist or shoulders and I always had my head rested on his shoulder and maybe once or twice, okay several times, he would kiss me on the forehead and on the cheek which I would return. BUT. We are strictly friends. After all, I love his best friend.

"Aw, thank you Nyal. I'm glad you like it" I smiled sweetly at him while he shot me a wink in return. That did not go down well with James. If looks could kill.

The rest of registration was filled with me and Nyal going about our usual antics and James glaring at the two of us. In my defence he has never said that he likes me or anything so I'm not doing anything wrong.

Soon it was time to go to lesson and I would be reunited with James in a few hours.
<Skip to the next James encounter>
"What are you drinking?" He asked as soon as I set foot in the doorway.

"I don't even know, I just liked the look of the bottle" I laughed as he chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "It says that it's grape, Apple, sparking spring water and vitamin B with botanical extracts" I read from the label.

"What the fuck are botanical extracts?" He laughed.

"Honestly, I don't have a clue, I'll google it."

"Good move"

"It says that it's plants that have been dissolved. What's the point in that?" I laughed.

"So you're basically drinking flowers?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"Maybe, but it tastes nice so I'm not- oh my god my throats burning" I panicked as his eyes grew wide. "Oh god" I stressed and had another drink. "It's fine, it gone, we can stop panicking" I laughed.

"That probably only happened because you're drinking plants" he smiled, while I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Well it tasted nice and it was only £1.80 so it was worth it" he smiled at me in a different way after I said this, it was more of a smile of admiration and appreciation. Then he started to lean closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Something only his best friend does out of the two of them.

"You know, you look adorable with your hair like that" he mumbled, tapping the main part of hair slowly as he spoke. "I want to shrink you down and keep you in my pocket so I can look at how cute and sweet you are whenever I want" he continued, stopping tapping my hair and just smiling at me. "You're so sweet I feel like I just want to protect you and look at you all the time, it's like I just can't help it, I can't stop looking at you, ever" he finished, I looked down because I knew I was blushing. How could I not be? I mean, have you seen him? He's beautiful and he thinks I'm cute, sweet and adorable and yes, please do keep me in your pocket. I would love that. "I'll miss you when you go to Berlin tomorrow with school. How am I going to get my daily y/n fix? I want to hear your little giggle and hear you announce that your confused over the slightest thing, I need my banter with you and I need you to keep my smiling through the hour tomorrow" he pouted.

"Then you'll just have to text, call and FaceTime me then won't you?" I shyly looked up at him.

"But I don't have your number." He answered quietly.

"Hand me your phone then" you whispered.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls (if there are any boys/men, however you prefer to be addressed the. Comment I'm curious) is the story of how I gave my future husband my phone number and as soon as I got home he texted me. I played it cool though. I hope.

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