4. James McVey Imagine

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'Come on' you thought to yourself as you checked your phone for what felt like the 2000th time today. You turned to your friend "why are they taking so long?" you asked her. "Y/N, they don't get here for at least another hour" she tried to explain to you but you weren't really listening, you were too nervous and excited to really pay attention to anything that was going on around you.

"Don't worry Y/N, they'll be here soon so you can finally meet them!" She said to you. This made you even more impatient than you already were. "Y/F/N, I can't wait to meet James!" You practically screamed in her face while she just laughed at you.

By this time there were a lot more people gathered around the venue waiting to meet them so you decided to talk to some people that were near you. "Hi, I'm Y/N" you introduced yourself to a girl stood next to you. "Hi, I'm Rachel" she gave you a friendly smile, she seemed nice. "Who do you want to meet the most?" She asked you. "James, I'm determined to meet James" you said almost immediately with a huge smile on your face at the thought that you were less than an hour away from meeting him. You were soon snapped out of your thoughts when she then turned to her friend and spoke to her, in a way more harsh tone than before.

"I don't see why people are so excited to meet James anyway it's not like he's that important in the band anyway" You couldn't believe what she had just said, "like, if he wasn't in the band it wouldn't be that different would it?" What planet was she from? You had to say something.

"Excuse me, how long have you been a fan for?" You asked her, trying to stay calm. "From the beginning, I've supported them from the very beginning" she said emphasising the word 'very' the second time. "So you've seen all of their covers on YouTube?" You asked her. "YouTube covers? I don't know what you're talking about!" she snapped at you, you didn't even try to hold in a laugh, you just laughed in her face. "So when you say beginning, what do you mean?" "The beginning, obviously, since they released Can We Dance" she explained as she shot you a look as though you'd asked her how many fingers you had on a hand. "I should have known" you threw your hands up in frustration. "It's people like you that irritate everyone, you act like you love them and that you've been here from the very beginning when in reality you haven't and you don't. If you were as big a fan as you were making out you'd know that James is probably the most important one in the band! If it wasn't for him there there wouldn't even be a band so don't ever say that if he wasn't in the band then it wouldn't be that different because without him, they wouldn't be doing what they are now." You took a breath and glared at her, she looked back at you with no expression on her face as she slowly backed away.

"Wow" you heard from behind you. You turned around slowly and your jaw dropped. He was there, right there in front of you. His hair styled into a perfect quiff as usual, his skinny jeans with a perfect rip on the knee and a smile on his face. You were lost for words, you had planned this so many times in your head but your brain wasn't co-operating with your mouth because James McVey was stood right in front of you. "I heard what you said by the way" he continued. "Well, that's slightly embarrassing" you half laughed. "I thought it was nice that you stuck up for me, it's fans like you that make me so happy that I decided to actually start a band." He grinned at you. You were smiling so much you probably looked ridiculous. "Thank you so much, can I get a photo with you?" you finally managed to stutter out. "Of course you can!" He was so sweet. "By the way, before I forget, what's your twitter I want to follow you" "really?" You couldn't believe this was happening. "Really" he repeated. "It's @Y/T/N" he grabbed his phone from his pocket and seconds later your own phone buzzed with a twitter notification.

@TheVampsJames is now following you on twitter!

"James!" "James!" You heard his name being shouted by a familiar Birmingham accent. The voice got closer and you were now stood face to face with all four members of The Vamps. "James, we've got to go, we need to set up before sound check" Bradley pulled on James' arm as he said a quick goodbye, thanked you again and gave you a hug. And before you knew it he had disappeared into the venue.

You stood outside for at least 10 minutes trying to take in what just happened when your phone buzzed again in your pocket. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and saw that it was another twitter notification.

New direct message from @TheVampsJames:

Hi Y/N, sorry I didn't get to talk to you for longer but meet me after the show, I'd love for you to meet the rest of the guys and maybe take you out for a coffee afterwards?

How could you possibly say no?


A/N- I'm so sorry if that was terrible but I just really wanted to update because I haven't updated for like years. But I have two more imagines planned and I'm in the middle of writing them now.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to comment or vote or whatever


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