Long time no see

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Okay so I've been MIA for literally a year and trust me. A LOT has happened.

So i thought I'd give you all a life update and in return, I was hoping I could get one from you guys too.

So here goes.

In January 2017 I finally came to my senses and ended it with a lad I'd been seeing for 9 months. Long story short he was a vile human. He hit me, punched me, slapped me, made me feel worthless and then to top it off he cheated on me. So I felt so small and so rubbish about myself I went out drinking every night and let's call it meeting lads if you know what I mean.

So while all that was going on I was working as a receptionist where I'd spend from 9am-5pm sat totally by myself. It was lonely and it didn't make my mental state any better. This went on for a while and I eventually had a breakdown, had to have 5 weeks off from work and was eventually diagnosed with anxiety and depression, but more anxiety and was given tablets. These have honestly worked and I feel so much better than I ever did really.

So after that I was still going out but didn't feel the need to validate myself by leaving clubs with random guys that I'd never see again, I only went to have a good time with my friends. So I was still on tinder and on there, I met three lads (tinder social with one of my friends) and got talking to them and hung out with two of them a few times but never really stuck to a friendship with them. But then it changed.

So I was out with my two best friends during Easter bank holiday and we'd gone outside for a little bit to escape this man who wouldn't leave me alone. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was the two guys from tinder that I'd hung out with previously. So we were taking and their other friend was behind us so I said hi, asked if he was alright and all I got back was a nod of the head and a 'yeah not bad thanks'. So I was like okay. Rude and carried on talking to the others before we went our separate ways.

Then like three days later I saw the "rude guy" on tinder and matched him. 5 minutes later he sends me a message saying "hey, didn't I see you out on Sunday" so I was like oh yeah I think you did. He goes "yeah look I'm sorry if I came across rude but I just couldn't remember your name" smooth "then he's like why don't I make it up to you with pizza and a movie at mine on Thursday" so I was like as long as it's dominos and the movie is tangled then yes. So we had pizza and watched tangled and we've been together ever since and coming up to a year now.

Together we've been through a lot. From his grandad falling ill and sadly passing so close to Christmas, him nearly ending it because he didn't want to put pressure on me due to my mental health but is sticking by each other, my grandma being taken into hospital 3 days before Christmas and still being there now, family issues and my mental health issues but we've also had so many good times like travelling to Menorca, Disneyland for my birthday, little weekend trips away, trips to the zoo, little two for Tuesdays dominos deals, we've got a holiday to Croatia booked in June which is a blessing. But the biggest blessing came today. Only last weekend his grandma was reading out our horoscope and it was talking about love a lot. It basically said that there's going to be a lot of love shared between us both and mine kept talking about an arrival of a new person who I may love more than a current flame. We were laughing that it meant I'm going to stray away from him and laughing like 'who even believes horoscopes anyway?'

All I'm saying is don't take horoscopes too literally but sometimes they can be pretty accurate as today we found out that our lives are going to be turned upside down but that horoscope was damn true.

Truly a blessing

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Truly a blessing. I feel such a mix of emotions, I'm nervous, I'm scared as my parents don't want me to go ahead with this but ultimately I feel so much love in my heart already that I know this is the right decision and I'm so excited for the future.

Ps. I also bought a hamster a few months ago and his names Mowgli as in Mowgli from The Jungle Book and I'll also start writing again.

Thank you for all the support over the past few years and I'm officially back now because I've missed this.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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