29. Tristan Evans Imagine

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"Are you ready, darling?" Tristan's mum asked you as you waited behind stage with her and her husband.

"I think so, I'm just scared of what's going to happen when I see him" you replied, tapping your foot quickly and biting the nail on your thumb softly.

"What do you mean? Is everything okay between the two of you?" You asked nervously, sitting down next to you and placing her hand on your knee.

"Oh yes, we're perfectly fine I just mean that Deans going to be recording and uploading it onto YouTube and I don't want to cry hysterically in front of the audience and the whole world" you explained as her face changed from one of panic to slightly amused.

"Oh don't worry about that, y/n, there's one thing I've noticed about you since you started seeing Tristan those 3 years ago and it's that even when you're crying, you still look stunning." She smiled at you as Tristan's dad nodded in agreement, smiling kindly.

"Oh I doubt that, but thank you anyway that's really sweet of you" you smiled at them, standing up and pulling them both into a group hug.

After you released each other the stage manager came through the curtains at the side of the stage. "Okay, so Tristan's parents would you like to follow me? Brads just going to announce that you're here" he explained. "And y/n, I'll be back in 10 minutes to come and get you so can be an even bigger surprise" he smiled at you as he led Tristan's parents, who were also like your second parents, to the side of the stage ready to surprise their son for his birthday.


After the boys had finished performing Somebody to You, Brad waited for the crowds cheers to calm down before speaking into the microphone. "So as some of you may know, it's our lovely drummers birthday today." He began as the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. "But what Tristan doesn't know, is that we have a little surprise for him." He finished as he ran to the Tristan to pull him to the middle of the stage. The boys faced him so he had a clear view of the side of the stage as his mum and dad walked over to him.

"Hello, sweetie." His mum beamed as she threw her arms around him, embracing him in a long, motherly hug.

"Happy Birthday, son. We're so proud of you." His dad spoke as he too pulled him into a hug.

"I can't believe you're actually here." He sighed in disbelief, letting a few tears slip as his mum wiped them away.

"You seriously thought we wouldn't come and see you on your birthday? I'm sure that's a crime of some kind" she spoke as she initiated an Evans family group hug.

Once Tristan had gotten over the initial shock if his parents being here. The same stage manager came back to where you were stood and led you to the side if the stage where Tristan's parents had been only 10 minutes ago.

"So Tristan, what do you have to say about your parents flying out to see you on your birthday?" Brad asked, holding the microphone up to Tristan.

"I honestly can't believe it. I have no words.... Just.... Thank you." You smiled, looking back over at his parents.

"Well, that's not all the surprises for one day, buddy. We have another special someone that we all think you'll be very happy to see" he smiled as he called "come on" signalling you to walk into the stage.

You took three slow steps so that you were only just on the stage, but so that Tristan, the boys, his parents, he crowd and everybody else could see you.

"Y/N?" He breathed out.

"Happy Birthday, baby" you smiled as he ran towards you, lifting you off of the ground and spinning you around.

"I love you so much, baby. This is the best birthday surprise ever" he spoke as he kissed you, not once putting you down on the ground.


A/N- I hope you liked it. I'm sorry for not updating in a while but I've just started college and it's all very stressful and confusing and so I haven't had much time but oh well.

I've made an ask.fm account if you want to ask me questions. You probably won't but if you do I'll post the link in the next sentence thing. You can ask me anything you want so don't be shy.

The link is........ *dramatic music*...........*drumroll*...........


QOTD: What is your favourite subject at school?

AOTD: Art because its the only thing I'm sort of good at and it's fun and there's a hot guy in my class and I have to sit next to him and it's just us two on a table because there are 10 people in the class and I just really like him. But yeah, art is good.

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