74. James Imagine

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"Hi, y/n. James called as you walked into the classroom.

"Morning, James. Where are you?" You called out as you couldn't see him in the room.

"Oh, I'm just in the cupboard but I can't find the wire that Miss was talking about" he shouted back to you, followed by a large crash.

"Oh god, hold on I'll help you look." Putting your bag on the table you rushed over to open the cupboard door.

"Thank you, I honestly can't find it. She said it should be next to the oil paints and there are three different thicknesses" he sighed.

"Um, James" you spoke quietly.

"Yeah?" He asked, his face lighting up.

"Look" you instructed, holding the wire in your hand.

He turned around quickly, smiling and pulling you in for a hug. "Thank you. I felt like I was going crazy looking for that stupid thing." He smiled, releasing you from his arms and taking the wire.

"Does that mean we can go now?" You asked, fluttering your eyelashes in an attempt to look extra adorable.

"You're so cute, let me get my book and then we can go. Do you have yours?" He questioned, opening the door for you.

"Yeah it's on the table with my bag" you told him, pointing to the table.

"Okay, you go grab your bag while I get our books"

"Thank you." You smiled, standing on your toes to kiss his cheek before leaving school.

"So, what do we have planned for tonight?" You asked James as you walked over the field to his house.

"Well, before we do any of the amazingly wonderful things I have planned, we need to finish this art coursework" he pouted down at you.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea, you know what I'm like" you laughed.

"But after we've done that, what I have planned is a surprise" he smiled, tapping your nose with his free hand.
"Y/N, have you finished yet?" James whined from his position on his bed.

"Almost, I just need to fix the eye on this drawing but it won't go right" you mumbled.

"Here, let me have a look" he climbed off his bed and sat alongside you on the floor.

"Here, all you need to do is fix the top of the eye like this, then add a few eyelashes like that, and then, done" he smiled, giving you back your pencil. "Now. Cuddle?" He pouted, how could you say no.

Standing up from the floor, you both climbed onto the bed and resting your head in the crook of his neck, tangling your legs together while he wrapped his arms securely around you before turning on the TV.

"So what did you have planned for tonight?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Well, I was thinking this, pizza and whichever films you choose" you answered, kissing the top of your head.

"That sounds perfect, I love you" you smiled, kissing him gently before cuddling up to him even closer.

"And I love you" he smiled, pulling you into his chest so you were now laid on top of him.

"James, the pizza needs ordering" you whispered.

"No, the pizza can wait, just let me hold you" he mumbled, tightening his grip on you slightly.
Actual goals.
I wish this would happen with one specific boy but he insists on changing his mind about us every second like he always does. I keep saying I'm done with him but let's face it, I'll just go crawling back to him, just like I always do. Anyway I'm pissed off but I hope you all have had a lovely week so far.

Shipping start again tomorrow.

PS- On a lighter note here's me as a dog but my tongue disappeared so I ended up like this...
Does this happen to anybody else?

Does this happen to anybody else?

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Like if you cry every time. Also I took that in school so I don't know why I look so happy about being there. It's hell on earth.

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