45. {Pregnancy Series} Finding Out

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Okay so thanks to @julianstivers I'm starting a pregnancy series *cue cheers and general celebrations* so enjoy

Brad: Everything was perfect so far, you had finally left your sixth form college a year early since the first the was a nightmare for both you and Brad, you were under too much pressure studying there which resulted in you taking your stress, anger, sadness and frustration out on Brad. It was a wonder you both lasted through it. But that was in your past now and on Monday you had an interview for an apprenticeship in digital marketing which they had told you was purely formality and that the position was already yours, you only had to show up. So really, to say everything was perfect was an understatement, there wasn't a word in the dictionary to describe your current situation. Things could only get better for both yourself and Brad and you couldn't wait until he got home to tell him everything.

Around an hour later Brad walked through the door of your bedroom smiling widely as he saw you planning your outfit for your interview on Monday. He walked slowly towards you, making sure you didn't hear him while you had your back to him, looking through the range of clothes hanging in yours and his shared wardrobe. You jumped slightly as he reached you, wrapping his arms around your exposed waist and kissing your bare shoulder as you were only stood in your underwear but you quickly relaxed when you realised who it was. "I would ask where you're going and why you're stood in just your underwear but I don't want you to think I'm complaining because, trust me" he paused to turn you in his arms so your facing him, taking the opportunity to appreciate every part of your exposed skin. "I'm not" he ended, biting his lip harshly.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm finding an outfit to wear for my interview on Monday" you whispered as Brad began to run kisses along your neck and collarbone.

"You got an interview?" He stopped the assault on your neck for a moment to look into your eyes as you nodded. "That's amazing baby, I'm so proud of you" he smiled, returning to kiss and suck on your neck.

"They said that it was only a formality and that I only have to show my face and the apprenticeship's mine" you explained and judging by the way that Brad squeezed your hips and sucked even harder on your neck, he must have thought that it was brilliant news.

"I knew the struggle you went through at college would be worth it. I'm so proud of you. I love you so much" he whispered, leaning in to attach his lips to yours in a hungry, passionate kiss.

The next morning you woke up in yours and Brads bed wearing nothing but Brads arm wrapped protectively around your waist. You turned in his embrace to face him, pushing his curls away from his forehead as they had been matted there by sweat from your antics last night.

What? It'd be wrong not to celebrate, right?

This moment right here was perfect and you honestly could stay like this forever. Just you and him and these feelings that you didn't think we're possible to feel towards anybody. You felt happy, warm. You felt complete. Come to think of it, you also felt a little nauseous. Hold on. A lot nauseous. Quickly you pulled Brads arm off of you, not caring if you woke him or not and ran to the bathroom. You stayed there for a good ten minutes hugging the toilet bowl as though it was your best friend at this moment. Clearly you hadn't woken Brad since he would have come to check on you by now but it was probably a good thing as you knew that this was no sickness bug. It was apparent that with all the excitement of last night you had both forgotten one very important item. A condom.

Once you were sure that there would be no more vomiting this morning you tiptoed into the bedroom and got ready to leave. Hopping into your car you made your way straight to the city centre to buy a pregnancy test. You were 100% sure that you were pregnant but it'd be best to take a test just to be sure. After buying three, because you never know, you made your way to the toilets of the shopping centre. Yes this probably wasn't the best, or most traditional place to take three pregnancy tests but you couldn't bring yourself to do it at home and it was early so there wouldn't be a lot of people there to see you.

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