66. Shipping @HollieTheVamps

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I ship you with Connor and you have a gorgeous smile.

Queuing for two hours wasn't fun. Queuing for two hours in the rain was even less fun. Luckily you had an umbrella so you could stay dry in the queue.

After what felt like an eternity security let you into the building and out of the rain. You had been lucky enough to get vip tickets for the show and now you were finally making your way into the arena to watch the boys sound check.

"Okay girls so if-"

"And boys" you heard a male voice shout in the back.

"And boys. If you all want to hang around for a little while the boys are just going to go and get changed and then they'll come back on stage for the Q&A." some guy in a bright yellow jacket informed you all.

You took this as your opportunity to make your way closer to the barrier next to the stage so that way, you had a better chance of the boys seeing you and answering your question. To pass the time you decided to scroll through Instagram, Twitter, talk to a few of your friends on Facebook. You also took a few photos of the stage and the small audience that had formed and posted them on Instagram, tagging the boys in them because you never know, they might see it.

Soon enough the boys came back on stage and took a seat on the edge of the stage, their legs dangling off of the edge. They looked around the audience, waving and smiling at people who caught their eye. You would have waved but you were in too much shock. Yes you had seen them before when they were sound checking but you were closer to the back, now you were right in front of them, nobody stood in front of you to possibly block your view. "Hello you lovely people" Brad spoke first. "I hope you all enjoyed watching and listening to us just then, I hope we didn't sound too bad, but we were only testing so we'll sound better tonight" he joked.

"No refunds" Connor shouted, making everybody else in the arena laugh.

"So, we're doing a Q&A, so I've been told so I sincerely hope that you all have questions for us otherwise this is going to be a very awkward couple of hours." James spoke.

That wasn't the case, so many people were asking questions and talking over each other that you were starting to panic that you wouldn't have the opportunity to speak to the boys. Apparently that must have been evident in your face when Connor began to speak. "I have a question." He began. "This question is actually for you" he jumped off the stage and made his way in your direction.

Surely not. He can't be. He is. He so is. He's stopped. He's right in front of you. Play it cool. Breathe. Breathe. Stop shaking. "Hi" you squeaked. Nice.

"Hi, my question to you is, will I be seeing you at the meet and greet later?" he smiled.

"Of course you will" you responded. Better.

"Good, I'll look forward to seeing you again" he gave you a hug before making his way back over to the stage with the rest of the boys although he always made sure his eyes travelled back to you.

You were definitely looking forward to the meet and greet now.

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