11. Bradley Imagine for @Niallmee

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A/N: This was my first ever request so thank you for requesting.
I actually cried a lot while writing this so hopefully it's what you wanted and I hope you like it.

Brad's POV:

This wasn't at all what was supposed to happen. It was never supposed to end like this. It was supposed to happen when we were both old and married with children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. Not now. Not here. Not without her knowing how much I love her. How much I need her. She looks so weak and fragile, so pale. All the life has been drained out of her, its heartbreaking to see. Her once rosy cheeks a pale, deathly white. Big, bright, beautiful eyes now dark and lifeless. Despite all of this, despite how close to death she is she still looks perfect.

I was sat on the floor next to her bed gripping tightly onto her cold, pale hand gently stroking the fragile skin. Replaying the moment over and over in my mind. Torturing myself with the memories. This was not how she had planned the day to end and it certainly wasn't how I'd imagined it either. What started with a sweet surprise ended with my world falling to pieces around me. We hung up the skype chat which had become a daily routine the whole time I was on tour, when she received a phone call from the rest of the boys telling her that they had a plane ticket for her to come and visit me because they knew that we missed eachother too much. She had packed everything she needed for two weeks and set off for the airport. When the plane landed she got in the taxi to take her to our hotel. The boys had told me about this surprise they had planned while she was on her way. Little did we both know that she would never actually make it to the hotel.

As the taxi turned the corner to pull onto the main road it all happened so fast. The driver pulled onto the main road but never saw the bus and other car coming from both directions. They collided with eachother at such a force it killed the driver of the taxi instantly and left my angel fighting for her life in this dingy hospital room.

The door to the room opened slowly, I wiped my eyes and turned to see James, Tristan and Connor stood crying. "What did the doctor say?" I asked them hesitantly. They all looked at one another, not daring to speak. Then Connor stepped forward, placing his arm around my shoulders.

"They said it doesn't look good" he sighed. "They want to come and tell you everything themselves so that you understand properly but they did say that it would be a good idea to say goodbye now." he spoke quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay, can I have some time alone with her then?" I asked slowly.

"Of course you can, we'll just be outside the door if you need us" James smiled at me sympathetically as Tristan gently squeezed my shoulder.

"So the doctors said our time together is coming to an end. But that doesn't mean that its true. I love you so much my angel and I know that we'll always be together, in my heart. And when I'm on stage in front of everybody,I'll think of you and I'll sing my heart out just for you. I'll make you proud, baby. And when I'm flying around the world, I'll make sure to look up and when I see the brightest star in the sky I'll know it's you, watching over me. I'll never forget you. I'll always love you. Now my angel will finally get her wings. I'll make you proud, I promise." tears flowed effortlessly down my face as the door opened again this time a doctor and a nurse entered, they checked a few machines and felt for a pulse. Slowly, the doctor turned to me.

"We are very sorry sir, but I'm afraid that she's gone." he gave me a sympathetic look as I broke down hugging her lifeless body. The doctor and nurse left and my bandmates came back in. I was a mess, James pulled me away from her and I cried onto him, hugging him tightly. Connor and Tristan stayed beside her bed just staring blankly at her.

Then Connor spoke again. "Wait! Brad, look!" he rushed.

"Connor no! Don't make me look she was the love of my life and she's gone! She'll never know how I felt about her!" I shouted.

"No Brad, look. I'll get a doctor" Tristan spoke, rushing out of the room.

I turned around around slowly and saw her. Her eyes were fluttering open and she looked around the room. She looked so confused and disoriented but she was awake. "I don't understand, the doctor, he checked her pulse, he said she was gone!" I rushed over to her side once again and took hold of her hand. Tristan came back in with the doctor from before who once again checked the machines.

"Oh," he began smiling. "Mr Simpson it seems as though your girlfriend decided she didn't want to leave you just yet. We'll have to keep her in hospital for a few more days but I can confidently say that she is going to be just fine." he informed me and with that he left me with my three best friends and the love of my life knowing that everything was going to be back to normal.

"I love you so much, princess" I told her, kissing her softly on the lips making sure not to hurt her.

"I love you too Brad, you mean the world to me, I couldn't leave you just yet" she smiled.

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