51. {Pregnancy Series} Decorating the Nursery

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Brad: "okay. I'm on paint duty so that means you're on manly construction stuff duty"

"Why do I have the most responsibility and the most difficult job?" He whined.

"Because Bradley, in case you haven't noticed I'm pregnant so building the crib isn't something I can really do now, is it?" You have him the look and he knew that he should just put up and shut up.

"Well, it took longer than I thought it would but it looks so cute" you smiled as you admired yours and Brads handiwork while hugging his arm.

The nursery was finally complete and it was perfect for a little baby girl. You had obviously gone for the classic pink walls since you were having a girl. It was a pale pastel pink and you had painted your favourite Disney quotes in black swirly writing and you had hung both empty photo frames on the walls to fill with photos of the three of you and also photos of you and Brad during your pregnancy. The curtains were cream and framed the white window frame in a way which made the room look lighter.

"I couldn't agree more. You did a good job with the walls babe they look perfect" he kissed the top of your head as he admired the paint.

"I could say the same to you bob the builder" you laughed.

"Bob the Builder. Really?" He laughed

"It was the best I could think of under pressure" you defended yourself but only ended up laughing even more.

He was amazing though. He had built the crib, a set of drawers, a rocking chair which, yes, had a pastel pink pillow to accompany it. He had also made a changing table and set up shelves which you could put more photos or the essentials for your baby girl.

"I love you Brad, I can't wait for our baby to be in this room"

"I love you too, I can't wait to be a proper family with you" he kissed you on the forehead as you closed the door on the newly decorated nursery.

James: "what are we going to do about a colour scheme because we can't do all pink and we can't do all blue" he sighed running his hands through his hair, tugging slightly on the tips.

"Well why don't we go for cream and colours like that then it's not strictly boy or girl." You suggested and prayed that he agreed because you just wanted to get it started.

"Good idea, let's go buy the paint and stuff now" he grabbed his keys and you made your way to the shops.

"James can I have like a tiny bit of help?" You asked quietly

"Of course you can babe, what do you ne- woah" he stopped as soon as he saw the state you had gotten yourself into.

"Y/n what on earth happened?" He laughed as you handed him the paintbrush.

"Weeeell..." You started.

To cut a long story short you just weren't tall enough and you were definitely too pregnant to paint effectively and you had ended up covered in paint. So much so that there was probably more paint on you than the wall.

"Um, babe, would you like me to do the whole painting thing while you put your feet up and then when I've done that I'll come and get you and we can finish it off together?" He wiped the paint from your face.

"Good idea, I'm exhausted" you sighed as you left the room to relax for a bit, leaving James to let loose with the wall design.

Connor: "um, babe. I kind of have a small issue." He spoke quietly as you were reading through the instructions on how to build the crib for the nursery.

"Oh god, I hope it is small I'm really in no position to stress or do anything too strenuous.

"Well, when I put the nail in the wood to attach this to that it went in and... well..." He trailed off

"Oh god, what?" You laughed slightly now that you knew that it was nothing too serious.

He didn't say anything, he only stood up and took the part of the crib that was put together with him.

"How on earth did you manage that?" You laughed, holding onto your bump.

"I accidentally put the nail through my shirt when I put it through the wood. Please help" he chuckled

You managed to stand up and pull the nail out with a joint effort and Connor was now a free man.

"Babe?" You asked slowly.

"Yes" he replied with the same tone as you.

"You wouldn't be offended if I called my dad and asked if he could do this for us, would you?" You asked, running your fingers up and down his arm.

"I was going to ask the same thing" he laughed.

Tristan: "But Tristan, we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl so we can't paint the nursery blue" you told him for about the 10th time in the same hour.

"Y/n, I keep telling you I'm convinced that we're having a boy so we're painting it blue"

"Fine" you sighed, not having the energy to argue.

When it was finished it looked good, you were yet to add all of the furniture as you still had plenty of time to do that and so all that was finished was the walls.

They were a blue green colour which was also quite pale. You had also both painted clouds on all of the walls with birds flying through and around them. You had also managed to attach shelves the the walls which held a variety of stuffed animals for your son or daughter to love, cuddle and admire. There were also a select number of photo frames which were yet to be filled with precious memories of your little family.

You just hoped that you were having a boy because you didn't want your daughter sleeping in a blue room and you really didn't want to repaint the entire room
A/N- Double update you lucky things

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