18. Bradley Imagine for @tayleeox

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You were scrolling through your emails when one caught your eye. The email read that it was from the manager of your favourite band. Surely this wasn't real. You were just a regular girl who uploaded videos of yourself singing songs that you like, and now you were opening a rather official looking email from the manager of The Vamps.

Hello Tayla,

My name is Joe O'Neill and I currently manage a band called 'The Vamps'. As you may be aware the boys are about to go on tour around the UK. Rehearsals haven't yet started for the tour and we are currently looking for an opening act to support the band on tour and travel to all of the shows with us. I have heard amazing things about your covers on YouTube from Bradley Simpson so I thought I'd search for them to see if you had the right kind of style for the tour and I think that you would be the perfect choice for the opening act. If this is something you would be interested in then either email me or give me a call on 0482938292

Thank you,

Joe O'Neill

Of course you were interested! The Vamps were your favourite band and they liked your videos, they were the reason why you started uploading covers in the first place. You couldn't believe that they wanted you to support them on tour and Joe had said that Bradley was the one who told him about you, that made you even more excited because Brad was your favourite member of the band. You decided that you had to call him back right away, but remember to tone down the excitement you didn't want to come across as just some fangirl even though that's what you were doing right now. It would be a better idea to call him because that way you knew that it was genuine and not somebody pretending.

You dialled the number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello this is Joe O'Neill, how can I help you?" He answered.

"Hello Joe, this is Tayla. I'm calling about the email you sent me about being the opening act for The Vamps on their UK tour" you explained

"Ah Tayla, I was hoping you'd call soon. I hope you have thought properly about it" he replied.

"I have actually and I would love to be the opening act, it would honestly be a dream come true for me and I'm honoured that you even considered me" you told him.

"We'll, you're extremely talented and you can thank Brad for me emailing you. He found one of your covers months ago and he hasn't stopped talking about you ever since" you blushed a lot at that. You couldn't believe it.

"I don't always talk about her! Just occasionally!" You heard Brad shout in the background.

"Sorry about that, anyway the rehearsals for the tour start in two weeks and they will be held at the first venue that we play. So I'll see you in two weeks at 8 am" he finished

"You definitely will. Thanks a lot, bye" you spoke

"Goodbye' he ended as you both ended the call.

Excited was an understatement as to how you were feeling right now.

- - - - - - - - - -

You woke up at around 5am so that you would be ready in enough time to catch the train to get to the venue on time. You wore your black skinny jeans, Arctic Monkeys T-shirt and ankle boots.
(A/N: Sorry if you don't like Arctic Monkeys Tayla)

You straightened your hair but kept a floral scrunchie around your wrist so you could tie it into a ponytail if you were too warm. You grabbed your jacket, keys, purse and phone and walked out of your house and to the train station.

You arrived at the venue 10 minutes early and walked in through the entrance where you were greeted by the receptionist who lead you to the stage where you would be rehearsing with the boys. You sat in the front row and started to scroll through twitter while you waited for them to arrive.

The doors opened and in walked James, Connor and Tristan walk in carrying all of their instruments that they needed. They saw you sat on the chairs and ran over to you. After giving you a group hug they walked over to the stage to set up for practice. You sat back down when the door flew open revealing a flustered Brad with his guitar on his back.

"Brad you were right behind us! How were you not here?" James asked him.

"Because he kept making sure he looked good because he knew Tayla was here already!" Joe shouted to him.

"No it wasn't, I was just... I needed to... Shut up!" He stuttered, waved at you and ran towards the stage.

"Okay Tayla if you'd like to jump onto stage and we'll start rehearsing for your songs" the stage director told you.

You stepped up onto the stage and the spotlight shone on you as the music started. While you were on stage you completely zoned out. You were dancing, jumping and running around the stage and when the last song finished you looked around the arena and saw Brads eyes following your every move. You jumped off of the stage to grab a bottle of water, as you were tying your hair up you felt somebody tap you on the shoulder. You turned around to find Brad smiling nervously at you.

"Hey, Brad" you greeted him surprisingly calmly.

"Hey Tayla, I just wanted to tell you that you were amazing just now. I know Joe already told you that I watch all of your videos on YouTube, well it's true and I think I annoy all of the boys because I won't lie, I do talk about you a lot. The truth is I think you're really talented and pretty and your funny, kind and well you like Arctic Monkeys so in my eyes, you're perfect." He laughed slightly.

"Brad, that's so kind. Honestly I think the exact same thing about you I mean your voice is perfect and you're the most attractive and adorable person I've ever seen in my life" you explained to him.

"Well, if you think that then I'd love to ask if you'd consider maybe going to dinner with me after rehearsals?" He asked stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking down.

You took his face in your hands and forced him to look at you. "Brad, I'd love to" you smiled.

"Tayla, could you come back on stage for 5 minutes?" The stage director shouted to you.

You kissed Brad on the cheek and ran towards the stage leaving him stood in the same spot you left him, smiling widely.


A/N- Thank you for requesting, Tayla. I really hope you like this.

I'm always taking requests so don't be afraid to ask for an imagine. It can be about anything you like at all, tell me your dreams!

QOTD: Who is your favourite member of The Vamps?

Mine is James because he is the most adorable person I've even seen in my life. I could talk forever about why I love him but I won't bore you with it now.

The Vamps ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant