14. Connor Ball Imagine

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"Y/N, I'm boreeed!" Connor whined as you sat next to him on the sofa, scrolling through Instagram. "So boreeeed" he continued complaining, rolling around on the sofa until he ended up laying down with his head on your lap, looking up at you while pouting, his big blue eyes looking intently into your own.

You sighed locking your phone and putting it on the table next to you. Connor sat up smiling widely now that he knew he had your full attention. "What do you want to do then?" you asked him even though you knew there was no point because whenever he was bored he expected you to entertain him somehow instead of thinking of something by himself.

"Well, the music room is right next door so I was thinking maybe we could record a cover together and upload it to YouTube since we haven't done anything in a while. What do you think?" He asked, honestly you were surprised, Connor never thought of things to keep him occupied by himself. You had to admit it was a good idea but you hoped he didn't expect you to sing with him, I mean yes you sang with together all of the time but you never uploaded it to YouTube! Everyone would see it and judge everything about you.

Connor knew there was something that was bothering you as it had been a good couple of minutes since he asked you and you still hadn't answered. "Y/N, babe what's the matter?" Once a gain his blue eyes looked into yours, making you melt a little inside.

"Con, it's just that if we upload it to YouTube everyone from all around the world will see it and they'll judge me and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that" you explained.

"Y/N, everyone loves you! Look, I haven't told you this but you know that I always tweet when we sing together and all of the fans know that I record it?" He started.

"Yes" you hesitantly answered.

"Well, after I tweet, all of the fans pester me to upload the videos so they can see us." He continued.

"Connor I really don't understand where this is going" you laughed.

"So basically, all the videos of us singing have already been uploaded to YouTube, everybody has already seen you and heard your voice and they adore you." He smiled at you, hoping that he had given you enough confidence to upload a cover with him with you knowing this time. "So will you record a cover with me?' He asked hopefully.

"I don't see why not" you smiled.

"Yes! I'll be right back then we can set up and start recording" he shouted as he ran out of the room to grab his camera, laptop and guitar.

A few minutes later he came back into the room and set everything up. You sat down on the sofa and waited while Connor pressed record on the camera. "Hi everyone, so I know when we upload a cover usually it doesn't look as well organised as this and that's because y/n never actually knows that I'm recording but this time she said she's okay with us recording it so here we go." He started.

"Connor, wait!" You interrupted him.

"Y/N, it's going to be okay, you'll sound perfect you always do" Connor smiled at you sweetly.

"No it's not that" you laughed, "you haven't told me which song you want to sing" you told him.

"Oh, right" he laughed at himself "I was thinking we could sing the one from the album that I wrote about you." He smiled sheepishly.

You didn't answer you just nodded, smiling.

He looked at you, then to the camera, then began to play the first chord.

You had to admit, you both sounded amazing. Your harmonies were perfect and you could tell that every word that you sang, you truly meant it.

By the end if the song Connors eyes found your own and you found yourselves leaning in for a kiss. Your lips met and it felt exactly the same as it felt when you and Connor shared your first kiss together. You pulled away and rested your foreheads against each others "You sounded perfect y/n" Connor whispered.

"Thank you, you sounded perfect too, as usual" you replied.

Connor ended the video and upload it to YouTube straight away without even editing it first. Now that Connor wasn't bored anymore he decided that he wanted to cuddle up to you which you weren't going to complain about, you sat for hours just being in each others arms it was peaceful and calming. You were pulled out of your calm state by both of your phones sounding with tons of twitter notifications. Your mentions had blown up with Connors fans tweeting you both. Because Connor hadn't edited your little PDA section out of the end of the video it had been uploaded for everyone to see. The fans had made countless amounts of GIFs and video edits of the two of you saying how adorable you were together. Some even saying that you should get married.

Maybe the fans were right. Maybe you should get married. Maybe one day.


A/N- I have 1% battery so I can't read it over, I hope you like it

Also, whose watching James' twitcam tonight at 8pm UK time?

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