28. James McVey Imagine

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You heard a frustrated groan followed by a loud bang. You ran from the kitchen and into the living room where you saw James sat on the sofa with his head in his hands, crying. His phone was on the other side of the room, remarkably in one piece considering that he had thrown it at a wall.

You rushed over to his side and wrapped your arms around his waist and nuzzling your face into his neck. Noticing your presence, James took his head out of his hands and wrapped his arms around you, his head buried in your neck as his tears fell onto your neck and shoulders.

Once James had calmed down a little he loosened his grip from around you and you took his hand in your own, gently tracing circles on the back of his hand. "Are you ready to tell me why you threw your phone at a wall while crying?" you whispered to him as he wiped his eyes and took a breath.

"I looked on twitter and I had loads of mentions and direct messages so I thought 'why not take a look and reply to some people' but when I looked at them all I could see was hate and the more I scrolled through my mentions, the more vicious they got. Then I thought 'maybe the direct messages are from fans saying kind and sweet things like they usually do' but yet again I was wrong, they were even worse then I got angry and threw my phone at the wall, then you walked in and made me feel a little better like you always do and now here we are." He finished his explanation by sobbing into your shoulder.

"But why are they sending you hate in the first place?" You asked as he looked you directly in the eyes.

"I don't know, but the majority of the hate came from this one tweet saying that I refused a photo with a fan because she was fat, but I would never do that. My fans mean the world to me and I think that they're all beautiful no matter what shape or size they are." He wiped his eyes and looked down at his feet, avoiding your gaze.

You took his face in your hands so he had no other choice than to look directly at you. "James, you of all people don't deserve any of the pointless things said about you. You are the sweetest and most kindhearted person I've ever met and those people who are sending you hate are only doing it because they're unhappy with themselves and they're jealous and it angers me that they choose to say these things about you, you have so many people who look up to you and admire every single thing that you do and they're the only people who matter. Please don't let those pathetic people get to you because you're the one living your dream with your three best friends and they're sat behind a computer screen sending hate so we can all guess who the real winner is here. Please ignore those idiots because so many people love you and want to see you smile." Once you had finished your little speech James looked to have cheered up a little, but not enough for your liking. You kissed him softly on the forehead and giggled as you watched him squirm and smile underneath you.

"Y/N, why would you do that? You know that tickles me" he laughed.

"Because I wanted to see you smile." You spoke and peppered soft kisses all over his face as he laughed even more.

Now that James had cheered up slightly, you demanded that he took a selfie with you. "But Y/N, I'm not int he mood to smile for a camera" he pouted.

"Well them you can hide your face in my neck or something, I just need a photo of us together." You explained, also pouting so that he would hopefully give in and jut take the photo.

"Fine" he huffed, although you knew that he secretly couldn't wait to take this photo.

Once you had the perfect photo you took to Instagram and began typing the perfect caption to accompany the perfect photo.

I'm feeling a mix of emotions right now. To some extent I'm feeling upset and disappointed that some of you who call yourself 'fans' of the boys would stoop so low as to send James hate. Not once had James ever refused a photo with a fan and he especially would never be so shallow as to refuse a photo with someone because of their appearance. As I'm also really pissed off with these absolute fucktards (sorry if I offend anyone but right now I'm way past caring) these idiots don't even know James well enough to say anything negative about him and they're making up absolutely ridiculous lies and sending him hate which is affecting him. He has never done anything wrong to anybody and he's so kind to everybody he meets, he's always so thankful and grateful for everything you guys have done for him and he genuinely appreciates and is humbled by the experiences he has so who are you to make him feel small or bad about himself? He's worked hard to get to where he is now, as have the rest of the boys, which is more than can be said for these insignificant fuckheads (again, sorry) who sit behind a computer screen attacking the one person who deserves it the least. So please, just think before you hit send.

After you had posted the photo it got tons of likes and comments. You read through most if them and they were all saying that they agreed with you and that they would always support James and the rest of the boys through everything. You showed your phone to James and made sure he read all of the comments. Once he reached the bottom of them he handed you your phone back and logged into his twitter, typing a new tweet.

@TheVampsJames Frustrated with the constant rubbish I'm sent on personal messages here. Bye twitter

"Why did you do that? I thought you were happy again." You asked him, confused.

"I am, but I need them to know that they crossed the line" he explained. Pulling you closer to him on the sofa. "Thank you, Y/N, for everything. I love you more than I can put into words and I don't know what I'd do without you. You keep me sane." He whispered.

"I love you too, James. So much" you softly spoke before he pressed his lips against yours, resulting in a sweet, passionate kiss.


A/N- I'M BACK BITCHES! Sorry, that was inappropriate.

But I am back. I owe you and explanation as to what happened to me. Basically my writing recently is horrible, I know that. I went on holiday at the start of this month for two weeks which was spent on the beach. I was hoping to write there but there was a group of boys there who wouldn't leave me alone so I spent most of my time with them so I couldn't write. Then I had results day where I convinced myself that I'd failed all of my GCSEs but it turned out that I passed them all. Then I went to Wembley to watch my team play in the challenge cup final (rugby league) where we lost and everyone cried and it was heartbreaking BUT at least we made it to the final. So basically I've been busy, stressed and lazy but I'm updating now. If y read all of this then I admire you and I'm sorry for boring you with stuff you probably don't care about.


QOTD: What's your favourite time of year?

AOTD: Either summer because hot boys in shorts and vests or shirtless or winter because gingerbread lattes and hazelnut hot chocolates from Starbucks and big fluffy jumpers and cuddling with your boyfriend. Oh wait I don't have one of those.

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