65. Shipping @jessbbradley

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I ship you with Brad and you're so beautiful.

You closed your locker, folders in hand and made your way to your history lesson. You were walking down the corridor when you felt someone walking very closely behind you. You sped up slightly, holding your folders closer to you in the process but you felt as though whoever was behind you, sped up also.

Deciding that you had had enough you turned around sharply, ready to confront the creep who was following you but whoever it was reached in front of you and covered your eyes.

"Guess who" a voice spoke.

"Look, all I'm trying to do is get to class so if you could kindly leave me alone I'd appreciate it alo-Brad!" You broke out into a huge smile and threw your books down, wrapping your arms around him tightly.

"You thought I was a creep following you didn't you?" He smirked.

"Well yes, you were so close to me and there are so many creeps at this school you can never be too careful." You laughed slightly.

"Fair enough. Anyway, I'm back" he grinned, still holding you in his arms.

"I can see you're back, I'm so glad, I missed you so much" you mumbled, resting your head on his chest.

"So, do you actually want to go to history and learn all about... History? Or do you want to get in my car and come back to mine, lay on the sofa under a big, fluffy blanket and watch whatever movie you want?" He asked, squeezing you a little tighter. Luckily the corridors were clear otherwise you'd have probably been trampled by now.

"I like the second option a lot more." You giggled as picked up your books, took your hand in his and ran with you down the corridor.

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