62. He's jealous of your crush on Evan Peters (Part Four)

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Yay the final part in the jealous of Evan Peters series!
You loved being a makeup artist more than anything. You were passionate about makeup in the first place ever since you were old enough to understand what it was and actually wear it and so it was incredibly rewarding to be able to pursue it as a career. What's more, if it wasn't for your job then you never would have met Connor and you wouldn't be his girlfriend.

The boys had a photoshoot today and Connor had asked if you'd be in charge of their makeup for the day. Obviously you agreed since it was your job and it meant that you could spend all day with Connor and the rest of the boys.

You had just finished Tristan's makeup (imagine contouring Tristan's cheekbones. Life goals) and followed them out and onto the set. You loved watching the boys on set, you loved how they were so unprofessional yet professional at the same time, how they could change from messing around with each other and with their hair and outfits, to taking photos that you just knew would make their fans go insane.

While the boys had their break you went outside to check your phone. You finally had a reply from a job offer asking you to give them a call as soon as you could. You dialled the number and took a deep breathe before someone picked up. "Hello, it's y/n, I'm calling in regards to the email I reviewed from you not too long ago." You spoke to the lady on the end of the phone.

"Ah, yes, y/n, I have good news. The producers and the directors all agreed that you'd be the perfect girl for the job what with your experience and everything. So shall we be seeing you behind the scenes Monday at 8?" She asked and you had to physically bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming.

"Yes, of course you will! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there" you replied.

"Glad to hear it, I'll send you an email with all of the specific details of where to go when you get there and who you'll be working with. See you soon" she ended.

"See you on Monday" breathing out a sigh of relief you ended the phone call and made your way back inside with a large smile prominent on your face.

"Ah there you are babe, I was starting to worry, you just disappeared and nobody knew where you were" Connor quickly made his way over to you, placing his hand around your waist and walking with you back over to the snack table. "Where did you go?" He asked quietly, his hold on you tightening slightly.

"Just outside, I had to take a phone call and it would have been pretty difficult to hear anything in here" you spoke and pointed in the direction of Brad and Tristan who were screaming while giving each other piggyback rides around the set.

"Good point" Connor laughed. "So?" He asked, bumping your hip with his own.

"So?" You repeated, mirroring his actions.

"Who were you on the phone to?" He asked, brushing your hair away from your face.

"The lady from the casting team of American Horror Story" you simply said, looking up at him and smiling.

"No way" he beamed. "They want you to do the makeup?" He practically shouted.

"They want me to do the makeup" you laughed.

"I'm so proud of you baby, your so talented" he hugged you tight, picking you up and spinning you around, then placing you back on you feet and kissing all over your face. "When do you start?" He asked.

"Monday at 8" you replied.

-Skip to Monday evening-

You got home after your day on set and you were practically shaking with excitement. They had let you do Evan Peters' makeup. Evan. Peters. You got to touch his face. (I'd die, no joke) He was so lovely, he wasn't big headed or diva like at all. You kind of expected that he wouldn't really talk to you and would either be on his phone the entire time or talking to whoever was sat next to him as though you didn't exist. You couldn't have been more wrong.

You pulled up outside your house and practically three yourself out of your car. You threw the front door open and ran into the front room to tell Connor all about your day.

"Oh and Connor he was so lovely." You began again after talking for about 5 minutes without coming up for air.

"Who was?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Evan" you smiled. "I thought that he'd ignore me when I was doing his makeup but he didn't, it was like it was only me and him in the room. He took a genuine interest in me and he brought me water and food even though he didn't have to and if he was talking to me, even if it was about something pointless and somebody else wanted to talk to him he'd tell them that he'd speak to them later because he was busy with me! Isn't that so sweet. And his face is amazing. Like sometimes when you do makeup on men it doesn't really blend that well because their skin isn't as well looked after but his complexion is nearly flawless. And Evan asked the casting people if they'd get me back in because he only wants me to do his makeup for this series because he was that impressed." You babbled on and on about him until Connor interrupted.

"Okay, y/n I get it. I'm really glad that you had a good day and that you got a long term contract for the show and everything. I'm really proud of you. But I'd like it if you wouldn't talk about him that much in front of me." He sighed, looking down.

"What? Why?" You asked, genuinely confused.

"Every girl I've ever met has a crush on Evan Peters. Hell, even I have a crush on Evan Peters and I know you didn't mean to but I don't really feel that good when you talk about how amazing he is and how nice he was being to you. Just makes me insecure I guess" he mumbled the last part as though he was ashamed.

You walked closer to him, took his had in yours and led him upstairs and into you bedroom. Sitting him down on the end of your bed you sat on his lap, your makeup bag in your hand and pulled out the makeup you use on him at photoshoots. "As much as I liked doing Evans makeup, I love doing yours so much more" you whispered, kissing his cheek as you began to shape his eyebrows.

"I love you so much" he mumbled, resting his hands on your bum as you continued his makeup while sat in his lap still.

"Let's keep it PG" you laughed.
Hello😊 I hope you all have had a lovely Christmas and you got everything you wanted and that you spent time with your family and that your day was filled with love and happiness.
I also hope that you didn't eat so much that you couldn't move. Like I did. No regrets.

Have a very happy new year and I'll see you all in 2016🎉

QOTD: Have you got any New Years Resolutions?

AOTD: I'm joining a gym. Unfortunately I'm not joking

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