20. James Imagine for @sianaming

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"Boys, don't forget we're doing a twitcam tonight at 8pm to announce the arena tour for 2015" Joe shouted from the kitchen of Brads house.

"We were just about to tweet about it now" James shouted back to him.

"Of course you were" Joe replied, sarcastically.

James rolled his eyes and logged on to twitter.

"@TheVampsJames: Hey guys, don't forget about our twitcam tonight at 8pm UK time, might even introduce you to somebody you haven't met before #TheVampsTwitcam" after he tweeted James sent his girlfriend a text.

"Hello beautiful, me and the boys are doing a twitcam tonight and I really really really want you to come over and watch. You don't have to be on camera if you don't want but I missed you so much and I just need to see you! I love you so much xxxx"

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Your phone vibrated in your pocket as you plugged in your straighteners. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and unlocked it. You smiled when you read the text from James and replied instantly.

"James, of course I'm going to come over I've missed you so much and I can't wait to see you and the boys being idiots as usual. xxxx"

You finished getting ready and made your way over to Brads house which is where they were broadcasting the twitcam from. You knocked on the door and waited for it to open. While you were waiting you heard multiple shouts of "I can't open the door have you not seen what I'm wearing?" and "Well its better than what I'm wearing I look like a cheap drag queen!" you laughed quietly to yourself and knocked again. "Fine! Why don't we all go together!" the door eventually opened revealing Connor dressed as an elf complete with a pointy hat and pointy shoes, Tristan dressed in Brads monkey onesie, Brad wearing Tristans clothes which were far too long for him and James wearing a bright pink prom dress, a silver, glittery tiara and a very pretty corsage on his wrist.

Once you had composed yourself you followed them into the main room where Joe and Dean were also sat. The computer was already set up and they were just waiting until they could go live. You decided that you didn't want to be on camera so you decided to sit in the middle of Joe and Dean and just watch.

"Okay guys so since we are all dressed so beautifully, why don't we give you all a little catwalk so you can see just how beautiful we actually look." James spoke to the camera.

"First up is the one and only Connor Ball!" Tristan announced in his best commentator voice. Connor stood up and ran out of the room, seconds later he returned to "strut his stuff" as he called it when tweets were flooding in, laughing at him. When he got to the front of the camera he threw his hat across the room and somehow, it ended up on Jesse.

"Next to grace the catwalk is the beautiful, talented, amazingly wonderful, my significant other, BRADLEY WILL SIMPSON" Tristan screamed as Brad began to attempt to walk in Tristan's clothes. About halfway through his walk he managed to stand on the opposite leg of his trousers and face plant the floor. Of course instantly there were thousands of GIFs of this happening. Instead of walking the rest of the way, Brad decided that it would be best if he didn't walk and just pull himself along the floor back to the sofa.

"Tristan, your turn now" Brad said, while inspecting his knee for any injuries.

"Excuse me!" Tristan shouted at him. "I gave you a perfect introduction and you just say 'your turn' I'm hurt!" He gasped, putting his hand on his chest and turning away. "And I'm over it" he laughed standing up and began to walk. Tristan was definitely the best so far. He couldn't even stand up straight because Brads clothes were way too small for him so he was just kind of waddling across the room, looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

"Off you go, Princess Jems." Brad turned to James who wasn't paying any attention to what was happening as he was to busy pulling faces at you. Right now he was cross eyed and had about 50 chins. Very attractive. "James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James... JAMES!" Connor shouted, elbowing him.

"Woah, what?" James asked as he snapped back into reality.

"It's your turn, or are you too busy trying to look beautiful with your thousands of chins?" Connor laughed

"Oh yeah I'm going, I'm going" he repeated as he stood up and tried to balance in his- your- heels. He did a couple of spins in he middle of the room, stumbled a couple of times but apart from that he was a natural in high heels. Or maybe you spoke too soon as his ankle gave way and he crashed to the floor. The boys erupted into howls of laughter as James sat up slightly. "Okay ouch." He simply said "a little help here anyone?" He asked as you rushed to your feet and sat at the side of him.

"James, are you alright?" You asked, pushing his hair away from his forehead.

"I think I'm good. How do you walk in these? It's impossible!" He laughed slightly.

"I honestly don't know, we just do." You helped him up and went to sit back where you were before but just as you turned around, James picked you up over his shoulder and sat you on his knee where you then had to face the comments from the twitcam of 'Who's that?' 'James is that your girlfriend?' 'Answers, I NEED ANSWERS!'

"So Sian, what's it like to be the girlfriend of such a clumsy little princess?" Tristan asked, pretending to hold a microphone.

"It's pretty good actually, sure I have to make sure he doesn't fall over his own feet all the time but he has pretty shoes and dresses I can borrow all of the time" you explained as you took the tiara off of his head, placing it on your own and running out of the room with James following. He never caught you though as he ran straight into the door, falling flat onto the floor. Yet again.

A/N- I really hope you liked this Sian. I also want to say a huge sorry because I know you asked for this like months ago and I've only just uploaded this now.

QOTD: What is your favourite Instagram video that the boys have uploaded?

AOTD: The one James uploaded of Connor and Brad in the hotel corridor. They run towards each other but Connor falls and hurts his elbow.

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