A quick update

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Here's a photo from my prom on Friday night only it wasn't taken at my prom just a prom. That doesn't really make sense but it will later.


I know I've been MIA for quite a while now so I'll tell you all what's been happening and why I haven't been writing the shipping imagines for a while.

I had so many more requests for that series than I thought I would so I was pretty overwhelmed and I didn't really have enough time. When you only expect to have 3 requests and you end up with 30ish it's difficult to keep up (especially when they're still coming through on occasion).

I started my A level exams in May and I finished them 2 weeks ago so I had to revise for those. After my last exam 2 Fridays ago I thought I'd have until September as a break where I'd have time to write and do nothing but I started an apprenticeship 9-5, Monday to Friday at a solicitors two weeks ago and I'm still working my other job at the weekends until September so, again, I've had no time at all to do anything. I come home and sleep and that's all.

On the bright side I had my year 13 leavers prom on Friday but it was the worst prom ever so I got really drunk, crashed the prom that was going on downstairs and I'm going on a date with a boy from that prom on Tuesday. (I was very drunk when I crashed that prom but I'm glad it happened).

If you've been reading this book for a while you might remember that I used to complain in like every chapter about not having a boyfriend so for once I'm actually happy.

Anyway, I now have a job and I'm turning 18 in 23 days, I'm going on a two week long holiday in less than a month, I'm free of school and I actually have a love life for a change.

I'll admit, I haven't been 100% myself for a few months now. I've been so stressed and didn't feel very good about myself and life at home hasn't been very pleasant but now that I've started to make a change about my body by going to the gym and cut a negative friend out of my life and I've left school and doing what I actually want to do I've been feeling a lot better so I'm starting writing again more often.

I also have some advice for you, please don't take exams too seriously. Yes they are important but they are not the be all and end all. Do not let them take over every aspect of your life. Have fun. Everything is temporary. School is temporary. Exams are temporary. Negativity is temporary. If anything is making you not feel like yourself, don't suffer in silence, there are things you can do to make a change.

Make sure whatever happens, you are happy and confident.

My other advice is to get drunk and crash a prom. Apparently that's how you get tall, dark haired boyfriend with nice big hands and nice arms who dresses well.

Please don't judge me for my actions on Friday night. I have never done anything like that before. But even if you do judge me I have no regrets.

If you read all of this then I applaud you. I'm half way through a chapter now so I'll upload that tonight and I'll see, or hear from, you all in the next chapter.

The Vamps ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant