47. {Pregnancy Series} Morning Sickness

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(July 26th)
I'm 17 and God I don't act like it
Anyway here is the next edition of the pregnancy series. Enjoy

Brad: 'Here we go again' you thought to yourself as for the seventh time this morning you were forced to pull Brads arm from its place on your waist and his hand from your hip.

Rushing to the bathroom where you had found yourself visiting frequently over the past six weeks you slumped over the toilet and emptied the contents of your stomach yet again although you didn't think that there would be anything left considering how many times this has occurred.

You felt disgusting. No you couldn't help it and everyone who has had a baby has gone through this so it wasn't like it was just you. Yes it would be worth it in the end when you and Brad get to hold your baby boy or baby girl but you didn't know how long you could put up with feeling like this. And with perfect timing, the horrible feeling returned and once again you were vomiting into the toilet.

"Babe?" Oh god, you'd woken Brad. You felt so guilty because he hardly ever got enough sleep and to know that on this occasion, it was you who was responsible for interrupting his sleep made you feel slightly worse than you already did.

You let out a groan in reply and he carefully made his way over to you. He sat on the floor behind where you were slumped over the toilet and placed his hand on your back, rubbing circles and occasionally massaging your shoulders. "I'm sorry for waking you up" you mumbled.

"Don't worry about it, and besides I wouldn't want you to be in here suffering all by yourself while I was just in the other room" he brushed your hair out from your face and held it back, making sure it didn't fall back in front of you as you were sick again. "I'm sorry you have to go through this" he sighed as you both stood up and made your way back to bed.

"It'll all be worth it though" you smiled as you cuddled up to him.

James: "Morning my little angel" James sang as you walked into the kitchen. He turned around from facing the stove and gave you a delicate kiss on the lips.

"Morning, babe. What you cooking good looking?" You laughed as soon as the words came out of your mouth.

"Pancakes with Nutella, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries" he beamed, turning back to face the stove and flip the pancake that was cooking in the pan.

"Mm, James that sounds like heaven" you sighed, sitting down at the table where he had set a plate with a knife and fork and he'd also put a single red rose in a small vase next to a glass of fresh orange juice. He truly was amazing.

What could be better than your boyfriend making your favourite breakfast for you while you were pregnant with your first baby together. The answer? Nothing.

"I love you" you spoke after moments of silence since you were thinking about how perfect everything was and he was busy trying to cook.

"Aw babe, I love you too" he smiled, putting the finishing touches on your plate and presenting it to you, complete with a "ta-da" which, of course, almost made you spit out your drink.

Due to the fact that you were now eating for two it goes without saying that you are the pancakes in no time at all, James had only just finished two and you were done. But it came at a price.

It was quite clear that the baby growing inside of you wasn't expecting that much food so quickly and you soon found yourself running to the bathroom with James hot on your trail.

"We're they not good? Did I not cook them right? Did they taste horrible?" He stressed, rubbing your back once you'd emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet.

"No James, there were really good it's just stupid morning sickness, I suppose we'd best get used to it" you sighed.

"But babe, that just means that our little baby is growing and that he or she is okay. It'll only last a little while longer and then we can have a nice, stress free pregnancy. I love you" he smiled, kissing your forehead before getting up and handing you over your toothbrush.

Connor: You woke up clutching your stomach and breathing heavily as a horrible sickly feeling overtook your entire body. Panicking, you shook Connor not stopping until his eyes eventually opened. "Babe, what's the matter?" He worried, his entire face and body turning a ghostly white.

"I feel really sick and my throats burning and I'm scared, what if something's wrong with the baby?" You spoke all at once, tears pricking your eyes.

Before Connor had the chance to at least attempt to calm you down you threw the blankets off of you and ran to the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet.

"Don't worry babe, there's nothing wrong with the baby it's just morning sickness" you called smiling and laughing slightly at yourself for panicking over something as natural as morning sickness.

Tristan: "It's okay, I'm here, don't worry, don't think about it, just focus on my voice and focus on me playing with your hair, okay?" This was a nightmare for you. God only knows how Tristan was feeling.

You have been suffering badly from morning sickness. Every morning at around a similar time both you and Tristan have to make a mad dash for the toilet and stay there for at least an hour every morning.

Normally husbands don't have to accompany their pregnant wives to the toilet when they're suffering from morning sickness but you had the blessing of having a phobia of vomit. What a great situation morning sickness was for you.

As strange as it sounded you were terrified of being sick, which made you feel even more sick which meant that you threw up even more and I'm extreme cases, you would have panic tracks before and after being sick which was why you needed Tristan to be there the whole time to hold your hair back and keep your mind on something other than the feeling you got before you had to be sick.

You loved him so much for putting up with you through this as it must have been the last thing he wanted to do on a morning but he never complained. Most likely because he knew you had it worse than him and that it would be worth it, just to see him little son or daughter.

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