49. {Pregnancy Series} Finding Out the Gender

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I had to make that, I'm sorry😂

Enjoy the next update of the pregnancy series

Brad: "y/n" the nurse called in the waiting room, catching both yours and Brad's attention.

You both stood up and followed her into the small room which held a bed, two chats and a TV monitor along with the compulsory equipment for the ward.

"How are we today?" She asked as she motioned you towards the bed.

"Good, still suffering from morning sickness but apart from that, I'd say I've been pretty good" you smiled as she nodded, taking note of what you had said.

"And does dad have anything that he's worried about or anything?" She smiled, turning to Brad who merely shook his head. "That's good then, now are we ready to see baby Simpson?" She asked, sitting on her little stool and reaching over to grab the gel.

"Born ready" you laughed lightly.

"Okay, if you could just lift up your too and we'll start. Now this will be pretty cold so don't say I didn't warn you" she laughed as you jumped when goosebumps formed across your body.

"Here we go, there's baby's head" she smiled, pointing to the screen as she turned it to face you. "There's baby's little arm, leg, other arm there and baby's other little leg there" she pointed to every body part of the peanut shaped human on the screen as you felt Brad take hold of your hand, squeezing it gently. "Now, are we wanting to know whether we're having a baby boy or a baby girl or are we wanting it to be a surprise?"

You and Brad turned to each other and looked into the others eyes. It took you a whole 3 seconds to come to a conclusion. "Yes please" you both said at the same time, earning a small laugh from the nurse.

"Okay" she looked closer to ye screen and moved the device on your stomach slightly. "Here we are, y/n, Brad, I'm delighted to tell you that you're having a little baby girl. I'll just go get your scan photos and I'll be right back." "Congratulations again" she turned to say as she reached the doorway.

James: "I'm telling you now y/n, it's a girl."

"No James, it a boy. They're in my stomach for gods sake I think I'd know better out of the both of us." Honestly, this was routine now, every day you would argue over wether you were having a boy or a girl. Right now you were just glad that you were on your way to have your scan so you could settle it once and for all.

Walking into the hospital reception you passed several expecting parents all holding their photos and admiring their only chance of seeing their baby even though it wasn't the best quality.

You signed in at reception and waited to be called. "Y/n" the nurse called out as you both followed her.

"Okay, so if you could just lift up your too for me so I can squeeze this onto your tummy, then you can just lay back and relax." Following her instructions you held onto James' hand as you looked towards the screen.

"Okay, so here's the head, arm, another arm, a leg, another head, another two arms, a little belly, another two legs, the second little belly and the last leg."

"Wait, it's twins?" You asked in complete disbelief.

"It certainly is, don't worry, you don't have a mutant baby" she laughed. "Would you like to know the gender?" She asked and you both nodded without giving it a second thought.

"Okay so, baby number one is... a little... boy."

"Yes. Knew it. I told you I knew better since I was the one carrying them." You announced a little too enthusiastically maybe while James rolled his eyes jokingly.

"And baby number two is... um... baby number two is a... little girl. Congratulations." She smiled as she made her way to collect the pictures of your twins.

"And I told you that I knew it was going to be a girl" he celebrated also.

"So it looks like we both knew best. Makes a change" you smiled as James leaned down to kiss you, happy that his little family had gotten bigger by one.

Connor: You already knew the gender of the baby and so did yours and Connors mum since you had gone to your scan with them since Connor couldn't due to being on tour.

Connor was coming back today and you were excited to finally see him and hold him but most importantly tell him the gender of the baby.

You had your mum and Connors mum over at your house to help you set everything up. Around the house you had set up some banners which said 'it's a boy' with a hand drawn question mark and 'it's a girl', again with hand drawn question marks. You also had 'it's a boy' and 'it's a girl' balloons with the same question marks drawn on them.

The banners were put up everywhere around the house except for in the bedroom where the real reveal was.

Once you had finished setting everything up for his arrival all three of you waited for him to return. 

Hearing a car door close you all perked up. "It's go time ladies" Connors mum laughed as you walked to open the front door. As soon as Connor saw you he dropped his bags on the floor and ran up to hug you. He kissed you deeply on the lips, wiping your tears as you both pulled away then kneeled down to kiss your belly and say hello to his son or daughter. You led him inside after he picked up his bags and hugged both his mum and your mum.

Looking around the house he asked what was going on. Right now he just wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl and the teasing banners were not calming his excitement in the slightest.

Not telling him anything you all hinted to him that he should empty his suitcase and put his clothes in the laundry basket which was in the bedroom. Clever, I know.

Following the subtle instructions he carried his dirty clothes to the bedroom but as soon as he saw the room they were soon dropped in a big heap in the floor.

The room was covered in pink wrapping paper, the walls, ceiling, floor and even the wardrobe and drawers were covered in pink wrapping paper. There were pink 'it's a girl' banners covering the walls too and 'it's a girl' balloons were floating around the room.

"Oh my god, y/n. Thank you so much. I can't wait to meet our little girl. Thank you so much for giving me a daughter" he cried, taking you into his arms.

"Would you like to see her" you smiled up at him.

"Of course I would" he smiled, sniffing and wiping his eyes as you took the photo from your scan out of its place in the bedside table.

Tristan: You and Tristan had upset both of your families. In both of yours degree you didn't know that they were adamant about wanting to know the gender themselves and wanting to you to know the gender.

Honestly you didn't care about the gender as much as people thought you should have been and neither was Tristan even though he is still adamant that you're having a boy, as long as the baby was healthy, that was all you were concerned about.

You went for your scan and to your delight the baby was healthy. The nurse showed you where your baby was positioned and where all of the limbs were and then came the dreaded question. "Would you like to know babies gender?" She smiled.

"No. God no." You and Tristan replied simultaneously.

"Say no more. Ok go and get your photos" she laughed.

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