《Kiara》The Downside of a Wedding

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Reviewer: Ree_Kiara
Written by: sinfully-sarcastic


I loved the cover out here and the choice of fonts. Even the title was quite apt keeping the story in mind. But since the book is at the early budding stages and a lot more is left to explore, I had deducted marks because creativity still has a space to grow.

• BLURB: 07/10

The mentioning of the “deal”, was a bit turn off. Blurbs are meant to be catchy, one that will force the readers to read further. Instead of mentioning what exactly the deal states or contains a bit more creativity could have been used to frame the last sentence of the blurb.


The initial parts felt quite gripping while reading. Caspian and Yara's friendship and Yara mentioning the later as her “better half” in business struck a different cord all together. The introduction and meeting scene of Yara and Felix was indeed a good one. The possible chaos that Felix and Peyton would create kinda hooked me up.

• GRAMMAR: 09/10

Barely found any mistake in this part and this deserves an appreciation.


Honestly I didn’t find any mistake in this part. The character graph of each character was indeed a good one. Yara not remembering what happened earlier at the club and Felix mistaking that sets the base for the story as well as the characters. Also the way Felix's behaviour was presented, directly indicates to the readers that he will be a trouble for Yara later as the story progress. So a good job on this part!

• SETTING: 08/10


This backgrounds or the places mentioned could have been a bit more descriptive. Also the scenes at certain places due to lack of description felt rushed. It’s not that the writing or how you have framed the plot didn’t work out, what you need to do in this case is editing. Once edited keeping these points in mind, to describe the background and the expressions more vividly, the story will leave a strong impression.



Yes, the storyline didn’t lack in originality in anyway. The way you presented made it quite different and intriguing to read. At places the emotional attachment was lost due to lack of description which I feel would easily be gained back once you complete writing and editing the story.


MESSAGE: Thank you for choosing me as your reviewer. Definitely I enjoyed reading your piece of work. Mistakes and flaws are a part of anything that we do and it helps us in the process of learning but let that not hinder the joy you find when writing the upcoming chapters. You can reach out to me anytime you feel.

• TOTAL: 81/100


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