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This book is a dark romance, and features Stockholm Syndrome. It contains some chapters that might trigger some readers. However, the character will undergo serious character development as the story progresses.

I don't support discrimination against women or any form of disrespect. It's just a work of imagination and how love can conquer all.

If you find anything annoying, please hate the character, not the author. Also, I wrote the initial draft at a much younger age, and it's thrilling to revisit these pages, now rich with both nostalgia and the promise of refinement. Currently, the book is undergoing a thorough editing process. You might notice that the first few chapters have been polished more extensively compared to the latter ones. I appreciate your understanding and patience as I work to enhance the entire manuscript to match the quality you deserve. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me.



"Eros Castillo is a monster," Cassandra overheard a girl whispering behind her. The market thrummed with activity, yet Cassandra found herself straining to catch the murmured conversation of the two girls trailing her.

     "He is a sexy monster, though," the other girl giggled in response.

Cassandra was no stranger to the whispered tales and fearful murmurs that surrounded the name, Eros Castillo. Her father had spoken of him with a tremor in his voice; her mother had mentioned him in hushed tones. She had heard about him even from friends, strangers, market women, priests, and kids, and none of the things she heard were good. He was a living terror to the people of the town, and the worst of it all was that he owned half of the city. No one had ever messed with him and gone scot-free. Cassandra had never laid eyes on him, yet the mere mention of his name sent shivers down her spine. This time, she didn't only shiver, but his name caused her heart to flutter with a mix of fear and curiosity.

     Her father has become one of Eros' victims. Eros had visited them twice, but her father was always quick to hide her, and she had never gotten to know why. Her father had borrowed money from Eros for her mother's medical treatment when her mother was so ill, but now, he couldn't pay back, and Eros had made life a living hell for him. Looking at her father these days, Cassandra saw only a shadow of the man he once was, his vitality drained, his features etched with the burdens of despair and fatigue.

She would have saved her old man by getting married to a rich man and paying off that debt, but her heart had fallen for Apollo, the son of her father's best friend, and her father, who was a content man, never had issues with it. Apollo and his family were just as wretched as they were, steeped in financial woes, unable to offer a dowry or the promise of a better life. Despite their engagement lasting two years without the prospect of marriage, Cassandra knew Apollo's affection for her was genuine. He would undoubtedly fulfil his promises if fortune ever favoured him. For now, she remained committed, patient, and hopeful, clinging to the love they shared amidst the turmoil of their lives.

     Eros possessed wealth vast enough to dismiss the debt Cassandra's father owed without a second thought, yet his merciless nature left no room for leniency. He was described by many as a devil in human skin, and Eros's sinister reputation contrasted sharply with his strikingly handsome appearance.
     "Right now, he is at Mr. Orion's house," the first girl said. "I heard that Mr. Orion had to borrow money from Eros for his wife's treatment. Poor man, she passed away anyway, leaving him drowning in debt and at the mercy of the ruthless Eros. Rumour has it, he's causing havoc over there, might even drag Mr Orion away to toil under gruelling conditions or worse."

As the words sank in, the bag of vegetables Cassandra was clutching slipped from her grasp and thudded onto the ground.

     "Why doesn't he just marry off his beautiful daughter to clear the debt?" the second girl mused.

     "Didn't you know? She's betrothed to Apollo," came the reply.

Their conversation faded into the bustling noises of the market as they walked away, but their words echoed ominously in Cassandra's mind. Orion was her father, and according to those girls, Eros might take him away today. Her heart pounded with fear and desperation as she dashed through the crowded market, shoving past bewildered onlookers. She ignored the sharp curses and disapproving glares thrown her way, as well as the internal warnings that screamed for her to keep her distance from home while Eros was present. Her father had always insisted she stay away during such dangerous times. But the thought of him being taken away was unbearable— he was everything to her.

     Fuelled by panic and dread, Cassandra raced all the way to her house, disregarding every instinct that told her to stay away. She burst through the back door, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Inside, she could hear the distressing sound of her father's voice, weak and pleading.

     "Papa!" she exclaimed as she entered the room, her voice choked with emotion, her breaths coming in heavy gasps, and sweat dampening her brow.

The moment Cassandra burst into the room, the brutal scene halted abruptly. Every eye swivelled towards her as she rushed to her father's side on the floor. He lay there, a battered shell of himself, his body marred with bruises, each whimper slicing through her heart.

      "Cassie, why did you come?" he whispered, his voice a strained breath of air, laden with pain.

     "I heard at the market that they would take you away."

     "Who is this?" a deep, commanding voice demanded.

Her gaze shifted, locking onto a shadowy figure seated nonchalantly in the corner, his face obscured by the sunlight streaming in from the window. Could this mysterious man be the infamous Eros Castillo?
     "Take me instead!" her father's plea broke through the tense silence.

Cassandra's expression hardened, a fierce determination knitting her brows. She couldn't — wouldn't — let them take her father.

      "Papa, they can't take you away," she whispered fiercely.

     "Oh, Cassandra, why did you come?" her father asked. His voice was thick with sorrow. "He is heartless."

She glanced again towards the shadowed corner. Swirls of smoke partially veiled the man's face, adding a sinister aura to his already intimidating presence.

      "Cassandra, run!" her father urged, his voice urgent with fear.

Instinctively, she turned and dashed for the back door,
before the men could do anything. The heavy thuds of her heart mirroring her frantic steps. As she fled, the chilling voice echoed behind her.

     "Get that bitch alive!" 

That had to be Eros. Her heart kept hammering, and tears ran down her cheeks as she ran. She didn't know where to run to, but she was propelled by a wild, desperate need to escape the monstrous figure she had heard so much about from other people. She was nearing the farm gate when the sharp crack of gunshots rang out. Whirling around, her heart clenched at the sight of their farmhouse, terror gripping her at the thought of her father possibly being caught in the crossfire.

     But she forced herself to keep running. As she spun around, a figure suddenly loomed in front of her. A blow struck her face before she could even register who it was. Stars exploded before her eyes, her head spun wildly, and her vision blurred as she crumpled to the ground. She struggled to keep her eyes open against the encroaching darkness, and the last thing she saw was the shoe of her attacker—a large, ominous footprint.

    "Lo siento, papa," [I'm sorry, papa] she muttered, a whisper of apology to the wind, before darkness claimed her, pulling her into unconsciousness.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now